Milk In Bsas

I add chocolate to a glass of cold milk. It's the perfect recovery drink after hard workouts.
I drink 3-4 glasses of milk ( purchased from Jumbo) on a daily basis.
I agree that the supermarket milk in Argentina is awful. Is anyone here familiar with places where they sell organic milk or something? I mean, such an immense country with a big focus on agriculture should have something better than Serenisima. Real milk, like you find in northern Europe/the US etc
A dairy farmer in Entre Rios recommended buying powdered milk. Why? The stuff you buy that says milk is super-processes, the milk fats are skimmed off and replaced with vegetable oil. They add tons of vitamins, fiber (??), more protein (??), etc. Powdered milk is just milk.
Strange but true. . .
If I buy fresh milk I buy the cheapest ones I can find because it has the less addatives. Serenisma scares me, is there anything they don´t put in it?
Thanks Montauk_Project! Have you bought the powdered milk? If so, what does it taste like?
I agree with you that the milk is SCARY! (just like the curiously long lasting vegetables, but that's for another forum topic!!!!)
I agree that the supermarket milk in Argentina is awful. Is anyone here familiar with places where they sell organic milk or something? I mean, such an immense country with a big focus on agriculture should have something better than Serenisima. Real milk, like you find in northern Europe/the US etc

If you're willing to shell out $75 pesos you can get goat milk in the vegetarian supermarket/restaurante Lotos on Cordoba between Montevideo and Rodriguez Pena.
All milk here is ultra pasteurised (UHT) but the stuff in the UK (and the states?) is just pasteurised HTST

you get used to it over time :mellow:
Good topic. After over 6 years I've never there any one else in the same boat in that they loved drinking a glass of cold milk back home (States for me but wherever that may be for you) but here it makes them gag? I still use it but never for just drinking a glassful. Have never gotten and guess I never will get used to the taste.

Couldn't agree more, I used to go through a gallon or two a week just drinking it by myself... it's a good thing they've got the long-life milk here because it takes me weeks to finish even one carton!
A cold glass of milk with a Pepperidge Farm chocolate mint milano cookie. Or the macadamia nut chocolate chip cookie. Yum!!! No macadamia nuts here. However I enjoy the milk here as well as in the States.
I love milk in the US and had trouble adjusting here. I drank more than a gallon a week.

Here I have found if I drink the milk with an ice cube or two in in----- it tastes much better for some reason.
We only drink the longlife as the sachet milk has a gamey smell. The milk here is less creamy, you can check the fat percentage and calories and compare it to UK milk to back that up. My hunch is that it gets watered down to save money.
And the skimmed and semi-skimmed varieties taste powdery as if they have been mixed up from milk powder.