Moneygram transfer

Has any of you ever received the message below??

Estimado Sr. El Manolo nos comunicamos desde Remitee, empresa pagadora de remesas en Argentina de MoneyGram.

Nos comunicamos para informarle que Remitee al ser una empresa regulada por las leyes Argentina requiere la información que se detalla a continuación relacionada a las remesas abonadas durante el periodo OCT/22-DIC/22:

1)Copia de ID.

2)DOCUMENTACIÓN DE RESPALDO DE ORIGEN DE FONDOS (últimos tres recibos de sueldo/Declaración de Impuestos (income tax)/ Resumen bancario (últimos 3 meses))

La misma se solicita sea enviada a: dentro de las próximas 48hs. Dicha casilla de mail queda habilitada para cualquier duda o consulta.

Saludos cordiales.

Has any of you ever received the message below??

Estimado Sr. El Manolo nos comunicamos desde Remitee, empresa pagadora de remesas en Argentina de MoneyGram.

Nos comunicamos para informarle que Remitee al ser una empresa regulada por las leyes Argentina requiere la información que se detalla a continuación relacionada a las remesas abonadas durante el periodo OCT/22-DIC/22:

1)Copia de ID.

2)DOCUMENTACIÓN DE RESPALDO DE ORIGEN DE FONDOS (últimos tres recibos de sueldo/Declaración de Impuestos (income tax)/ Resumen bancario (últimos 3 meses))

La misma se solicita sea enviada a: dentro de las próximas 48hs. Dicha casilla de mail queda habilitada para cualquier duda o consulta.

Saludos cordiales.

This is common and is part of KYC (know your customer) requirements financial institutions must follow. Every time there is a large movement of money they need to make sure the funds are not from illegal activity. I had my bank sent me a similar email a few months back. If you do not respond they will stop allowing you to use their services. It has nothing to do with AFIP or taxes, so don't worry about that but do find a way to show the LEGAL origin of funds.
This is common and is part of KYC (know your customer) requirements financial institutions must follow. Every time there is a large movement of money they need to make sure the funds are not from illegal activity. I had my bank sent me a similar email a few months back. If you do not respond they will stop allowing you to use their services. It has nothing to do with AFIP or taxes, so don't worry about that but do find a way to show the LEGAL origin of funds.
Thank you for your input. I was scared because Western union requested the same information a few months ago, even after providing them with everything, they blocked my account permanently. Thank you for the statement about AFIP, that was my main concern.
It was weird they sent me this on whatsapp. They provided an email to respond to though-- but I was expecting something like that to be done more formally.
Did anyone experience delays today? I sent a transfer at 12pm and it still hasn’t arrived. After what Massa did today I wouldn’t be surprised
Did anyone experience delays today? I sent a transfer at 12pm and it still hasn’t arrived. After what Massa did today I wouldn’t be surprised

Moneygram was kinda slow last week the transfer arrived after 24 hours. Yesterday the transfer arrived after 4 hours.
@Tomaskuklis what did he do?
This morning i had my MG transfer rejected by Galicia ( no reason given )...same transfer as always.. but this worries me.
I just tried to process one as well and it was rejected for the first time by BBVA. I will try again next week.
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