Monger - Sex Tourism In Argentina Documentary Premiere

Because a lot of these women are kidnapped, drugged and held captive to be exploited as sex slaves for hungry and wealthy tourists who come here to do what they cannot do in their home country.


Then the people who are involved in human trafficking should be arrested and severly prosecuted.

The consumption of alcohol causes people to crash cars, beat their spouses and children, get into fights, kill people etc. It has a horrible cost and effect on society. Should we make it illegal or just punish the people who commit crimes as a result?

The demand for drugs and prostitution will forever exist. The illegality of it attracts criminals who then perpetuate violence upon other humans to enforce contracts, increase profits, and expand market share. When drugs and/or prostitution are legalized it usually brings an increase of safety, not the opposite because now you have businesses who are paying taxes, following regulations, and bringing sunlight to the whole process. If the argument is that the government here isn't effective enough to properly regulate it, then the argument holds true that they will not be effective enough to enforce a ban.
I am not against the legalization of prostitution. As long as one is voluntarily doing so, in a manner that won't hurt others and they feel comfortable with and can walk out of it at any given point if they want to.

Comparing drugs with prostitution is in my opinion too far-fetched. Though you could file both of them as 'recreational', one might have consequence on both the individual and the rest of society which are just too devastating/uncontrollable. From a public health standpoint, I cannot condone the legalizaton of heavy drugs. I know they are already selling cigarettes, i am just against adding certain heavy drugs to the list of legalized substances.

The fact that both drugs & prostitution have been with us since the history of time is no justification, in my opinion (murders and violence have, too!).
Hello, thank you for the interest and the lively debate. The times of the screening will be posted Monday next week. But no worries because we will be at BAMA for at least 2 weeks!
What about after two weeks? Will the film be available on DVD? To download? Perhaps on Youtube?
Hello, thank you for the interest and the lively debate. The times of the screening will be posted Monday next week. But no worries because we will be at BAMA for at least 2 weeks!

Please keep us posted. Congratulations!
I am not against the legalization of prostitution. As long as one is voluntarily doing so, in a manner that won't hurt others and they feel comfortable with and can walk out of it at any given point if they want to.

Comparing drugs with prostitution is in my opinion too far-fetched. Though you could file both of them as 'recreational', one might have consequence on both the individual and the rest of society which are just too devastating/uncontrollable. From a public health standpoint, I cannot condone the legalizaton of heavy drugs. I know they are already selling cigarettes, i am just against adding certain heavy drugs to the list of legalized substances.

The fact that both drugs & prostitution have been with us since the history of time is no justification, in my opinion (murders and violence have, too!).

Fair enough :)
Clarin published an article on Monger Super 8 ? documentary. B)

Además de los tres casos principales, se escucha el testimonio de otros hombres, mientras se ven imágenes oníricas filmadas en Súper 8: “Era una forma de crear un distanciamiento de la ciudad y de las mujeres, de lograr un efecto de extrañamiento en el espectador. Los que hablan son varios, pero todas sus voces forman como otro personaje, que explica la ideología y la filosofía de los mongers. Dicen por qué hacen lo que hacen y por qué el suyo es el mejor de los mundos posibles. Pero vemos que hay un gran contraste entre lo que dicen y la realidad del día a día de los personajes”.

Red Martes...! Interesting..

On the subject of the Sex ad Stickers a senior neighbor on Santa fe and Larrea used to walk his dog at midnight and removed all the glued massage/Sex Stickers . One night he ran into the young man that glues the stickers. The young man punched him in the mouth and he required several stitches in his inner lip. His shirt was drenched in blood.... A Red Day indeed

So beware if you want to became a Lone Ranger..!