national anthem in schools


Oct 21, 2009
In the school at the bottom of my garden they sing the Argentine anthem twice a day,so too in my son,s school...As far as I can remember when at scchool in England we NEVER sang Gpd Save The was all things bright and beautiful for me:rolleyes:I think it,s great that they sing it and should do in Great Britain,,,do they in the States,Canada etc??:cool:
In the US students in public (state) schools sing the national anthem on special occasions. In many schools the Pledge of Allegiance is said daily. Children used to say the Lord´s Prayer every morning but the Supreme Court ruled that prayers in school were unconstitutional.
My school used to play "aurora" (some sort of anthem to the flag) every morning with the raising of the flag, is sucked! For some reason they stopped playing it the last years i was there. The anthem was only sanged in special occasions.
In Canada they still sing the anthem every morning in schools. Or at least it is played throughout the school; I think a lot of student just mumble or do nothing. Canadians are not given to effusive displays of patriotism and many adults no longer even know the words. They also changed them about 20 years ago which still confuses me.
Stefan Zweig once said (translated approx.) : When the flags are flying, intelligence is in the trumpet

In France since 2005, it is mandatory to teach the national anthem "La Marseillaise" but the kids don't sing it everyday.
It's the same in Greece, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Poland,...
Only sheeple pledge to a country.

sergio said:
In the US students in public (state) schools sing the national anthem on special occasions. In many schools the Pledge of Allegiance is said daily. Children used to say the Lord´s Prayer every morning but the Supreme Court ruled that prayers in school were unconstitutional.
The correct ruling... at least according to the US Constitution.
Why Howard, is it a good thing that children sing the national anthem in school? I'm British, and can't recall ever singing it, or pledging aligance, or anything else similar, and, sincerely think this is right. You can sing the national anthem every 10 minutes if you wish, but you're an adult. I think kids should be taught the words, and the tune, but that's about as far as it should go....
I hardly recognise our national anthem, let alone know the words or sing it...
The other day I was in the car with my kids and their Argentine friends, they asked my kids to sing our national anthem. They had never heard it, don't know it, and I couldn't help them either...Quite embararsing!
I wish I had learned it in school!