National quarantine tomorrow very likely

Welps, that's enough for me. No internet is almost worse than no food (at least, it is with two six-year-olds hungry for entertainment). :)

We booked flights back to the US for Saturday, flying through Brazil. Hopefully all of the flights hold, and we won't have any trouble getting to the airport. I assume even if BA is on lockdown, that they would let us get through on our way to airport. I'm sure they want to be rid of us as much as we want to head home.

Very sad to end our time here in BA - and our planned trip in total, but at this point I can't in good conscience ignore another US State Department email or text, or risk not getting out for a long time.

Thanks for the advice everyone - it's truly been helpful!
Be aware too that full home internet service may not guaranteed, or at normal velocity. I heard an interview yesterday with the head of the regulator in Peru, who said they are regulating use so that business and essential services have priority during business hours, rather than people bored at home consuming vast quantities.

Noooooooooooo..........!!!!!!! That would be cruel and unusual punishment, indeed....
I stopped at the local panaderia to pick up some empanadas, and was told they are closing tonight.

Must be nearly impossible for the employees to get to work, with no trains running and the new bus regulation allowing only seated passengers. That's less than 5% capacity.
I doubt they would do it deliberately. They will
Ideally do all to let people pass time at home with distractions
Be aware too that full home internet service may not guaranteed, or at normal velocity. I heard an interview yesterday with the head of the regulator in Peru, who said they are regulating use so that business and essential services have priority during business hours, rather than people bored at home consuming vast quantities.

Throttling down streaming is a dumb move. Evenings/nights same amount of people accessing the net, quarantine or not quarantine.
Home/remote work should not make a big hit on bandwith. Some site will have a little more traffic. Expect higher ping, that is all.

Here it comes

This article is better:

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we'll still be able to go buy groceries. it will be ok, folks.
I think a lock down is a good idea. It will be extremely difficult for the Argentine government to enforce, but they have to try. But....I think people panicking will almost be worse than the virus. Yes the virus kills, and certain segments of the population will be at much higher risk. But the vast majority who get the virus will survive. What is liable to be worse is the economic devastation. My wife and I are in the US, but our family (wife’s side) is in Argentina. The economic fallout here is going to be quite bad, even with our resources. In Argentina it will be so much worse. I read so many of these posts from people who have prepped, people who can withstand the economic hit. But so many of our friends and family won’t be so lucky. They will need our help. I only hope and pray that those of you who have prepared will reach out and help others who are less fortunate. I’ve already started to do this here - for example, paying a contractor who is supposed to do work for us this summer, paying in advance so he has cash now....buying supplies for our friends and family in BA who have been displaced from their jobs.....even buying gift cards for some of our favorite restaurants so they have a cash infusion. I know that not everyone has those kind of resources, but if we all pull together, we will elevate our humanity. So....make sure you and your immediate family get your sh*t together...but after that, help where you can.
I think a lock down is a good idea. It will be extremely difficult for the Argentine government to enforce, but they have to try. But....I think people panicking will almost be worse than the virus. Yes the virus kills, and certain segments of the population will be at much higher risk. But the vast majority who get the virus will survive. What is liable to be worse is the economic devastation. My wife and I are in the US, but our family (wife’s side) is in Argentina. The economic fallout here is going to be quite bad, even with our resources. In Argentina it will be so much worse. I read so many of these posts from people who have prepped, people who can withstand the economic hit. But so many of our friends and family won’t be so lucky. They will need our help. I only hope and pray that those of you who have prepared will reach out and help others who are less fortunate. I’ve already started to do this here - for example, paying a contractor who is supposed to do work for us this summer, paying in advance so he has cash now....buying supplies for our friends and family in BA who have been displaced from their jobs.....even buying gift cards for some of our favorite restaurants so they have a cash infusion. I know that not everyone has those kind of resources, but if we all pull together, we will elevate our humanity. So....make sure you and your immediate family get your sh*t together...but after that, help where you can.

Well said,

I'd add that the government needs a plan for the workforce, a large amount of people can't just home work, that's fine for office workers, not for people in the trades and any number of other, often 'en negro' off the grid jobs.

If this isn't addressed very fast, I fear that a quarentine will be unsustainable, or could result in heavy handed authoritarianism to quell what would be an inevitable backlash if people feel trapped and have no money for basic necessities.

Let's hope for th best, but be vigilant of the risks here, and help, as you suggest,individually, if in a position to do so too!

Best of luck to us all.

A little cacerolazo just broke out nearby in Recoleta. Not a big one but an indication of the frustration hereabouts.