Need A Company To Employ Me In Cap. Fed. & A Room To Rent

I don't think anyone mentioned nudity before you did above, you don't know this person's background, familiarity with technology or internet terms. You've invented something to be insulted by here.

I was referring to this:

Not sure what pm means, assuming it is a picture. I don't send pictures. I am looking for a Spanish Family with a room, in hope the Family doesn't speak English so there is no option for me except to force myself to speak faster. Thank you! Rita
Ahhh, but here's the thing - while It may not be common (or legal) in the north or Oz, but here it is common practice to provide your photo on a CV when applying for a job. Depends on the type of work, but every CV I've had to read had the persons photo included... and this was for software engineering industry :p.
Rita, the best advice I can give is abandon all that you know. This is another place. Do pay attention to what people on this forum have to say.
The only concern I have for people who are new here and expecting jobs to be easy to come by. Make sure you have enough to live on for an extended period. This is an expensive place.