Neighbor's dogs knocked over fence, mauled other neighbor's dog in front of my kid. Can I do anything?

Actually...nevermind. Please disregard anything/everything I've written.

I've just perused through some of your other postings....

You problems all seem to emanate from falling under the spell of one magic coochie.

As a gay man I have nothing to offer.
Actually...nevermind. Please disregard anything/everything I've written.

I've just perused through some of your other postings....

You problems all seem to emanate from falling under the spell of one magic coochie.

As a gay man I have nothing to offer.
One of my favorite oldie songs, "This Magic Coochie." Played at my wedding. And divorce.

lol... Fiscal - pick your battles IMO. Take notes and ensure the situation doesn't happen again - if it all gets too much then think about moving. A stressed life is not worth it - especially if you have the means to move somewhere else.
Basic Rules: You feared for your life (never ever mention material things).
If the BG retreats/is leaving any reaction on your behalf is considered an attack, not a defensive move. You are the guilty party.
Whatever happened before is another - unrelated - story
Bodies must drop inside your property, no tampering.
The instant you became a victim, it will semble like it is an endless situation.
You might need a criminal lawyer that will start by measuring the depths of your pockets and your credit... get the picture?
You might also need to become the Comisario's best friend...there's another drift for you.
If it doesn't look bad enough yet, the other parties (and relatives) will get all your personal info through the BG lawyers.
There is where the Comisario earns his slice of your cake.

I couldn't believe it when an acquaintance said that it's actually easier if the body of the perpetrator goes 'missing'. As you said when the family of the piece of shit (sorry thief) gets your details you then have them to deal with. Fingers crossed I never have to deal with that situation - I don't want to imagine the nightmare it would be.
Yeah there are some crazy laws in this world.

One of them in certain parts is that if you kill someone defending your home / self, they need to drop dead on your property for you to be justified in your actions. If they die outside of your property boundary, you most likely will be up for some kind of homicide / murder charge.

I can't understand any of this. But it is the crazy world we live in, I GUESS?
As cold hearted as it might sound, once the perp has done his/her business, for the Law that was it. Your opportunity and the Law's are done.
Once the POS is in retreat mode you are not to interfere unless you are in for serious trouble.
Reality dictates that you started late, being the subject of violence, and by the time you realise whats going on and start reacting, it is already too late.
That's the dynamicss of war

As cold hearted as it might sound, once the perp has done his/her business, for the Law that was it. Your opportunity and the Law's are done.
Once the POS is in retreat mode you are not to interfere unless you are in for serious trouble.
Reality dictates that you started late, being the subject of violence, and by the time you realise whats going on and start reacting, it is already too late.
That's the dynamicss of war


Thankfully, I have never actually been involved in anything like this. And I am hoping to never be.

I just want to live in peace, be left alone and certainly be respectful of others and whatever it is that they want from their lives.

The problem with all this is that usually, the aggressor is a person who could care less about laws, other people and respect. So - I simply hope to never cross paths with such a person. I just don't want to have to hurt someone if they were to back me into a corner. Even if I win a physical battle, I probably lose the one that plays out in a court of law.
Awareness is your friend. Like while driving, you must look far ahead before you get there and be ready to react even before action is taken against you.
No small fish in our pond.

Can't prevent something bad happening but you can stear away from places and sutuations when your gut tells you something is amiss.

I used to play “start - stop” with my children at the age of two.

I’d yell start, and they would start running. Then when I yelled stop they would stop to wait for me to catch up. Then I’d give them a sweet, or some praise.
Now they stop on a dime when I yell stop. The oldest is 15.

I also use “assemble” (in English) to gather them when we are leaving a place.