Never Mind The Falklands - Look Out Washington Dc!

But Argentina (indeed, the majority, if not the entirety of Latin America) are collectivist societies and such rugged independence is difficult to change over to.
Trying to advocate individualism, small government and personal responsibility in Latin America is like advocating abstinence at a fraternity party.
And when Matias starts talking about the problems that happened during the time of "neoliberalismo" here, he completely ignores the fact that the corruption and patronage didn't go away and many bad decisions were made, including how to implement better strategies.

You re wrong. I have talked several times here on how corrupted the K government is and how I believe they are thieves. By several times I mean I have mentioned the corruption problem as many times I said I like some (the most important) of their economic policies.

The problem with corruption and the anti-Ks still dont get, is that that variable is CONSTANT in this country. Its not only a patrimony of the Ks. The last government was corrupted and so it will the next one. There are people that present theirselves as the new politic, as impoluted and clean and not corrupted. I worked for that people and I can assure you they are more corrupted than anyone. I remember in 2004, when Macri was president of Boca, going to a villa in Quilmes to pick up with a bus some people, give them in exchange a bag of food (a juice, a sandwich and an alfajor) just to assist to a "Xentenario" act presided by Mauricio. It wasnt the centenary of Boca, it was the start of the 1000 days countdown to the centenary. The problem is that in those days Mauricio needed exposure, he didint have the city, he was starting in politics. Then I went back to the villa one Saturday at 11 pm to leave that people in their houses and realise they have stolen my cel phone in the act (I worked as logistic).

So, the choripan thing is also a patrimony of Macri. I dont think the choripan actually exists with the Ks. I think there are other methods, other favours the K militants recieve from the party to assist. Clientelismo is plainly an exchange of favours, the more than a houndred groups that go to CFKs acts and support her, etc, those groups, recieve a lot of favours from the Ks, Im afraid its a lot more complex than a simple choripan. Maybe it is more complex because they are government. Whatever it is, Im sure that in both cases there are not common citizens that go to an act without militancia, like we had with Peron, etc. The people you see in the acts in some way or another work for the politician.