New At Rio Soup Kitchen: Argentines

Now you are making inferences. The fact that I feel no brotherly love for Argentina due to some experiences here is very different from wanting to get away as much as possible. And you seem very engaged and inquisitive for someone who appears to dislike most of my posts. Why not just block me and spare the other users from having to witness these types of pissing contests? I find reading them most boring and i am sure most other users agree.
Who said I dislike most of your posts? I disagree on many of the things you write - but that is not the same. Inquisitive? Trying to find out why somebody who hates Argentine then spends so much time on a forum about Argentina.
I never claimed to have a "brotherly" feeling towards Argentina myself, specially after living in Argentina and being treated the way I was. But most Brazilians, right or wrong, have that feeling.

My personal experience is that most Argentines like Brazil and Brazilians, even if some of them think they are better than Brazilians or superior. I have heard a lot of admiration for Brazil in the past three or four years. I see lots of Brazilian Argentine wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Sorry you have had a bad experience, but I haven't seen much ill will towards Brazil from Argentina. Mostly I hear stereotypes but also a lot of endearment for the people and the culture.

Football is different though. I don't think too many are taking it too personally. It's a football rivalry, and that's pretty much it. There's nothing really that wrong with it; it's just for fun. These two nations politically and culturally for the most part consider themselves allies. I don't know about brotherly, but the feeling I get is more than Argentina recognizes Brazil and pays a little bit of attention to it, but is still pretty country-centric and focused on itself rather than what goes on in the region. They feel like Brazil is an ally and sometimes also think fondly of the country, although being surprisingly woefully ignorant about the culture there. That's just my two cents though.
My personal experience is that most Argentines like Brazil and Brazilians, even if some of them think they are better than Brazilians or superior. I have heard a lot of admiration for Brazil in the past three or four years. I see lots of Brazilian Argentine wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Sorry you have had a bad experience, but I haven't seen much ill will towards Brazil from Argentina. Mostly I hear stereotypes but also a lot of endearment for the people and the culture.

That is true. i don't think there is widespread hatred towards Brazil. But there is no 'brotherly feel' either. The "hermanos" attitude is not mutual. And I figured that out by living here. Argentines in general might have a positive view of Brazil, but they certainly do not see us as "brothers". It is a much more utilitarian view of Brazil. Even Mathias expressed that point of view here, when he said that Argentina did not need to bother spending money on national defense, because he expects Brazil to come to the rescue if Argentina gets involved on a military conflict with another country. The asymmetric Mercosur relationship is another example.
Many Brazilians on the other hand, specially the ones who have never experienced Argentina, have this naive view that if we are nice enough to the Argentines, they will eventually embrace a truly and honest fraternal relationship with Brazil, which is nothing but wishful thinking. Many Brazilians get surprised when I mention to them the Argentines never, ever, refer to us as "hermanos".
My personal experience is that most Argentines like Brazil and Brazilians, even if some of them think they are better than Brazilians or superior. I have heard a lot of admiration for Brazil in the past three or four years. I see lots of Brazilian Argentine wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Sorry you have had a bad experience, but I haven't seen much ill will towards Brazil from Argentina. Mostly I hear stereotypes but also a lot of endearment for the people and the culture.

Football is different though. I don't think too many are taking it too personally. It's a football rivalry, and that's pretty much it. There's nothing really that wrong with it; it's just for fun. These two nations politically and culturally for the most part consider themselves allies. I don't know about brotherly, but the feeling I get is more than Argentina recognizes Brazil and pays a little bit of attention to it, but is still pretty country-centric and focused on itself rather than what goes on in the region. They feel like Brazil is an ally and sometimes also think fondly of the country, although being surprisingly woefully ignorant about the culture there. That's just my two cents though.

Yes, Argentina and Brazil have always gotten along famously:
Both Argentines and Brazilians are proud (and sometimes arrogant) people... and I say that in the most endearing way possible. :) From what I've gathered, Argentines don't hold any special animosity or superiority towards Brazilians (just the soccer rivalry.) They aren't warm and friendly towards anybody... If we were talking about Chile or Paraguay, that's a completely different story.

As for Argentines eating in soup kitchens... if they're for the poor, they should be reserved for the poor... but if it's just a place to get a cheap meal and nobody is being left hungry, I don't see the big deal. I wonder how many of you shop at the Goodwill/Salvation Army. ;) Many of the Argentines that are traveling to Brazil don't even have tickets or a hotel room. They sleep in tents or in their cars and are getting by however they can. You can question why travel if you don't have the funds, but it's sort of like a futbol pilgrimage. :p
Are you still making funny nonsensical jokes? Youre just not the sharpest tool in the shed. Ill just leave it at that " tex ".

I thought your quote was satire. According to your post, living in Latin America = stealing from a soup kitchen. If that's the case, then why don't you pack your bags?
That is true. i don't think there is widespread hatred towards Brazil. But there is no 'brotherly feel' either. The "hermanos" attitude is not mutual. And I figured that out by living here. Argentines in general might have a positive view of Brazil, but they certainly do not see us as "brothers". It is a much more utilitarian view of Brazil. Even Mathias expressed that point of view here, when he said that Argentina did not need to bother spending money on national defense, because he expects Brazil to come to the rescue if Argentina gets involved on a military conflict with another country. The asymmetric Mercosur relationship is another example.
Many Brazilians on the other hand, specially the ones who have never experienced Argentina, have this naive view that if we are nice enough to the Argentines, they will eventually embrace a truly and honest fraternal relationship with Brazil, which is nothing but wishful thinking. Many Brazilians get surprised when I mention to them the Argentines never, ever, refer to us as "hermanos".

What I said is that the militar strategy this government has, for many reasons (like not giving money and weapons to the militars of this country considering their history, or the fact that Brazil in the last years has invested in military a LOT, and they are easily leading the region in that matter while the US, yes the US, is trying to surround Brazil with bases in Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and in a near future probably Uruguay and perhaps Argentina, or what they do fostering Unasur and the region in general) is not to invest in defense. And if the very rare and remote chance that someone attacks Argentina happens, they would lean on Brazil's power, or more precisely, on the region (where Brazil is a more important actor than all the other countries together, I guess).
Its geopolitical, we re not in the countries world but in the blocks world, and having this picture they took that decision. I will never call that being utilitarist with brazilians!

Lets repeat with emphasis that the chances of Argentina for being attacked are extremely rare, despite what the lunatics war fans and students of armies and weapons and all that kind of crap that kills and makes lives miserables and is the worst human face say, that Latin America has always been a region of peace and that will sure remain in the mid term at least.