New At Rio Soup Kitchen: Argentines

It's secret Irish code...
In fact, Cavehill is an anagram of Hillcave, which in itself is an oblique reference to Dublin.
Neighbours dont support each other in big sporting finals. I doubt the Dutch will be supporting Germany. That's life. Doesnt mean war is about to break out. No need for the petty point scoring or scouring the net for tittle tattle.
The Dutch will also never call Germans their brothers.
It's good to see the spirit of neighborly and brotherly love here on BAExpats. I can't say the same for the comment sections of Clarin or La Nacion.
Who thinks food in Chile is better than in Argentina needs to go out more ...
You can get nothing like e.g. Reineta Margarita anywhere in Argentina - nowhere on the Atlantic side of the Cordilleras as a matter of fact.
Let's remember that this is a two way street and the "hermanos" have not been that great in charming the Brazilian crowd over there.

Love that song.

Who is pretending? It is a sporting rivalry. Fans sing songs. Boo hoo.

What harm? I don't think I have met one Argentine yet who is pretending they would support Brazil.

I wouldn't support England, the Dutch wouldnt support Germany, I doubt you'd find to many Mexicans supporting the US.

So what? What is the problem here? All's fair in love and football.
I have nothing against the song and I happy that the Argentines are having a blast in Brazil. But that just reinforces the view that there is no love or friendship when the issue is football.
I have nothing against the song and I happy that the Argentines are having a blast in Brazil. But that just reinforces the view that there is no love or friendship when the issue is football.

That's universally true. You're not special in that respect, Argentina nor Brazil. Everyone thinks their rivaly is the biggest and most intense.

Most of your posts about Argentine's however do seem to betray your brotherly claims though, just saying. I don't get that brotherly vibe coming from you towards your southern neighbours. At all.
Most of your posts about Argentine's however do seem to betray your brotherly claims though, just saying. I don't get that brotherly vibe coming from you towards your southern neighbours. At all.

I never claimed to have a "brotherly" feeling towards Argentina myself, specially after living in Argentina and being treated the way I was. But most Brazilians, right or wrong, have that feeling.