2 nails in the coffin of Coherence.
The first one supported the idea that putting entry barreers for citizens of a wealthier nation wouldnt make sense because of the dire "need of resources", the second one supports the denial of the entry of Canadians who have no reason to settle in a country with lower welfare and proved their means to feed the us american tourist industry without working for the time of the Visa. Some people have logics that Logic doesn t understand.
This fails to explain as well how canadians can be refused freedom of mouvement with their direct neighbour and not in Argentina, thousands of miles away. Having an asian background would have a different profiling signification North and South? Does this mean that every US American with philippine roots is a potential economic danger ?
But thanks for the red flag image, for some of us it was difficult to understand this elaborated vocabulary and it s so decorative. The hammer and sickle symbols caracterising a closed world fearing foreign infiltration are missing tho