New Exchange Rate On Wednesday

To be specific for those of us that DO Not have Bank Accounts, Will have to pay a 5% fee to cash our greenbacks??? B)
My bank in Aus is closed but master card global is next best which I will call. Will let everyone know what they say.
We went to Carrefour in Olivos yesterday at about 7 pm. Big mistake.
As we pulled in I noticed that there was more than the usual amount of cars parked and as that feeling of Argentine-supermarket-blues engulfed me as we wandered around, more and more people piled in,to such a point that I said we should find a checkout asap. Which we did, before the queue ended up from the till to the other end of the store and snaking round the corner.
Forty minutes later and wondering if I should have taken a tent, we managed to escape and Adri says 'Oh, everyone's buying stuff before the prices go up tomorrow'
Only in Argentina.
Supermarkets increase on the average the prices on 1000 products a day, the employees can't complete the task in one day. So you may find at the cahiers that the price charge is Different /higher. (As reported on Tv)
AFAIK, simply to give an incentive to people to operate within the financial system. People are conditioned to do stuff in cash without having a reason why - just a general impulse to stay off the books as much as possible.

5% is considered enough to nudge people towards being within the financial system absent a good reason not to, without being overly oppressive for those who do have such a reason. EDIT: If you want to be cynical, 5% is also a small enough margin to not justify the creation of a parallel (black/blue/fuchsia) market.

At yesterday's press conference, Prat-Gay explicitly stated that the reason for the 5 percent is to benefit those who are "bancarizados."

The 5 percent is only for tourism packages.
So I just spoke with my cc (GE money) and it appears they are still using the old rate. Theirs are based on xe rates and it is right - hadn't been updated.
There was a lot of lines in a lot of places yesterday. I attended event in banco piano, very happy thing if you were successful and very frustrating for those who weren't..
[ Bajo_cero2, on 17 December 2015 - 02:43 AM, said: I m not a native speaker, if you got offended, this is your problem.

The people on this forum, for the most part, are not native Spanish speakers; we have our own problems expressing ourselves in another language, so we understand and sympathize with your ineptitude. But when you accuse a member of the forum of "vomiting hatred" and then, instead of apologizing for the offense, you say "I m not a native speaker, if you got offended, this is your problem," then I feel your own problem is one not of language but of basic manners. Allow me to help you.

When you insult someone, even accidentally, through ignorance of the language you are attempting to speak or for any other reason, it is incumbent upon you to apologize. Period.
A real apology must take the form "I am sorry that I _____."
A fake apology takes the form "I am sorry that you took offense."
A non-apology takes the form "If you were offended, this is your problem."

The above is a lesson provided gratis. For all future assistance, you will receive my invoice.
Life is a continuing search for perfection. We can rejoice in knowing that we have found the perfect asshole.