New Express Bus To Aeroparque Airport Only $30.00 Pesos

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
This is a new express bus service it goes to Aeroparque Newbery Airport.
Could have used this in 2013 when I had to fly out from there.
You can't beat the $30.00 pesos fare.
I had heard that you can catch one from AEP to Ezeiza but I don't know for sure.
I was in the cinema a couple of weeks ago and saw an advertisement for buses that are going to connect both airports and major parts of the city. I thought it was ArBus, but I may be wrong, or it may be that they haven't implemented all their routes yet.
When I went to Patagonia I flew out of Aeroparque and I took a cab from Palermo. This was April 2014,
but I'm pretty sure the fare was only $54 ARS.

Where exactly is the bus' loading point? Also agree regarding EZE, the options for transit there are crazy.
When I went to Patagonia I flew out of Aeroparque and I took a cab from Palermo. This was April 2014,
but I'm pretty sure the fare was only $54 ARS.

Where exactly is the bus' loading point? Also agree regarding EZE, the options for transit there are crazy.

When you visit the link, clink on "paradas" (stops).
I'm prett sure the 10 takes you to AEP for $3.5AR and it's a short ride.
