New Immigration Decree, Long Life To King Macri!

It may not be the case for Argentine born in Argentina.

But as per Bajo, for naturalized citizens, they may look to trap u by allowing you to make a offense ; which in turn will lead to consequences!

as per bajo, everything is not black and white as published on the internet.
It may not be the case for Argentine born in Argentina.

But as per Bajo, for naturalized citizens, they may look to trap u by allowing you to make a offense ; which in turn will lead to consequences!

as per bajo, everything is not black and white as published on the internet.

Great. So to repeat my question: Has bajo - or anyone - ever heard of that happening?

Have you, bajo_cero, or anyone else here, ever heard of a specific case of an (non-resident) Argentine, whether native or naturalized, arriving here on a foreign passport and being treated any differently than what the DNM says?​

To wit - a stamp that says ARGENTINO - 180 DÍAS, and no problems leaving on the same foreign passport within those 180 days.​

Otherwise this is all FUD - and the operative word of FUD is "may".

"After drinking this cup of orange juice, you may find yourself projectile vomiting for a week.
I'm not saying you will - but it's certainly possible."
- Coca-Cola salesman researcher
Great. So to repeat my question: Has bajo - or anyone - ever heard of that happening?

This administration is not, precisely, creative.

Instead, they are reactionary, it means, they want to go back to 1930.

The DNU 70/2017 is another name to an old law but you did´t know it right?

So, yes, it happened too many times before so, it is very predictable that it can happen again. It is full of SC precedents against you because as I assert many times before, but you cannot understand it, a decree is a memo to the employed of the State because people are rule by the law and a brochure or a website is not a source of law.

You remember me my grand ma who has until 2nd grade of primary school (almost 90 years old and with dementia) when she asserts that the world was created in 7 days because it is written...
Well depends how far back we're going. If we're talking the 1930's that's not quite relevant as prior to 1992 your guidance was in fact correct.

Has anyone heard of this happening post 1991? And would not such a SC decision, if one exists, obligate both the DNM - under the Ministerio del Interior - and the consulates, under the Misterio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, to update their guidance?
Well depends how far back we're going. If we're talking the 1930's that's not quite relevant as prior to 1992 your guidance was in fact correct.

You do not understand what you read and now you are judging me. Seriously?
I understand perfectly your inability to grasp the word 'if'. Seriously.
You are not getting the point.

You asume you have rights, it used to be like that, not anymore.

The DNU allows to arrest you without a deportation order. So, they said you break the law, whatever, like the abuse of the tourist visa and you are in jail.

You do not have the right to see a judge and even if your lawyer appeal, after 60 days they deport you no matter what.

The contenciosoadministrativo judge is going to convalidate your arrest using a precedent of contracts with the State, it means, right now you are like a cow because the freedom of a human being cannot be decide on a contract basis because this is what slavery looks like.

So, you are thinking about a criminal judge but you are never going to see one, the immigration agents assert that you commited a crime or a simple administrative infraction and you are in jail.

And you continue asserting that I missread the RENAPER law, i just let you know how the judges read it. And I just do impolite comments about how judges interprets law (at appeals), beside others, that they should be dismissed and criminally prosecuted...

So, your advice can send people to jail plus they citizenship can be cancel so, again, let it to professionals and be more humble.

FYI the RENAPER law stablishes that the only valid id for a citizen is the DNI and the passport is the consequense of the DNI...but you didn't see it, right?

Even if we imagine DNU 70/2017 does not exist, while your lawyer tries to defend you, you are going to spend between 1 up to 3 months in jail and, of course, he is not going to use your arguments because that kind of analisys is done at the trial 2 years later so...hellooooooooooooooo

Credit where credit is due. I'm an ignoramus in all of this, but Bajo as a practicing attorney might know what happens in practice as opposed to what is written,
Well I put a point blank question. Has anyone ever heard of this happening in practice - that an Argentine got crap at the border for presenting a foreign passport?

I have heard of plenty of people - in this position exactly - who never had any problems with this. Not in the least. It's hard to prove a negative, but still.

Bajo quoted - at the very beginning of this discussion - a not-really-related tangential case. Of a foreigner who didn't present a DNI. Somewhere. I asked where, and bajo wouldn't say.

I'm pretty sure that if bajo had any directly relevant cases, we'd have heard of those a long time ago, rather than all this circling of the horses.
Well I put a point blank question. Has anyone ever heard of this happening in practice - that an Argentine got crap at the border for presenting a foreign passport?

I have heard of plenty of people - in this position exactly - who never had any problems with this. Not in the least. It's hard to prove a negative, but still.

Bajo quoted - at the very beginning of this discussion - a not-really-related tangential case. Of a foreigner who didn't present a DNI. Somewhere. I asked where, and bajo wouldn't say.

I'm pretty sure that if bajo had any directly relevant cases, we'd have heard of those a long time ago, rather than all this circling of the horses.

I stand corrected. I kinda felt sorry for him after seeing him dissected as he has been.