Nz Lawyer Looking For Work In Ba


Dec 4, 2014
Hi! I've recently arrived in Buenos Aires after 10 months travelling & have fallen in love with this city.

I've worked as an Environment / development lawyer for a top NZ firm the past 8 years - does anyone have any ideas on gaining employment in Buenos Aires? Unfortunately my spanish speaking skills are only basic.

Any tips would be greatly welcomed!
Maybe your best bet, it you want to continue to work in the law field, would be to submit a resume to the foreign oil companies you find here in Argentina. I don't know about NZ law, but I know that Argentine law and the court system is pretty different from the one we have in the USA. It's much more judge centered. I don't think it's super likely you can work here as a lawyer, but if you could, I think the greatest likelihood would be in an oil company or something along those lines.
Are you looking for a career change or looking to stay in law? I would say find remote work but have no idea what kind of legal work can be done remotely...
Contact the NZ Consulate and offer your services as a legal consultant for NZ residents in Argentina for , divorces, adoptions, inheritances, residence, etc. pensions, etc.
[...] I don't know about NZ law, but I know that Argentine law and the court system is pretty different from the one we have in the USA. It's much more judge centered. [...]

I know not quite the topic of this thread, but interestingly enough I read recently that the government is looking to completely change its judicial system here. The current system is "inquisitorial", where there are no actual face-to-face hearings (as I understand it, I may be a bit off on that), both sides present briefs and the judges decide. There is no adversarial system here. But they're talking about changing that and bringing in an adversarial system, although I don't think that there will be peer juries.
Perhaps a job teaching legalese?

It seems that there is some agreement between Arg and NZ as I have a couple local Argie relatives that went there to work legally.
Contact the NZ Consulate and offer your services as a legal consultant for NZ residents in Argentina for , divorces, adoptions, inheritances, residence, etc. pensions, etc.

In case it helps may not be the case for NZ, but In Chile thousands were exiled to Australia during the dictadura, 40 years ago today the Aussie Consulate in Santaigo has a full fledge office to deal with Chilean pensioners, medical benefits , property claims, repatriations, etc.