Ordering stuff from abroad

Grabr sounds great, but the farther away you are from Buenos Aires the more limited your options. I'm nowhere near Buenos Aires, out in the country, and there's one person somewhat near me who looks like they occasionally make trips. I like being country mouse, but sometimes it's a lot more convenient to be city mouse.

My wife wants to get something that costs less than US$50 so maybe we'll look into Amazon and keep fingers crossed.
With Grabr and Amazon....why fight it?
But....I did one Grabr purchase a week ago but....the Uber round trip here in B.A. was about $40 dollars. Muy estupido en mi parte. On the other hand....yestserday my new laptop was delevered to my by my purchaser here in B.A. ....so check delever locations. (I waited weeks and weeks for Amazon to even give me a delivery date....didn't happen)