Osde Versus Galeno

Yes it covers all tests, study's, etc. you don't need prior approvals to see anyone!
BTW check the threads on dentists--there's been some good ones. My dentists are the Pelmans, speak English and work with OSDE. They are mentioned in the threads.
Anybody can walk me thru the comparison of Galeno versus OSDE dental plans/ dentists

I am oscillating between taking Galeno Gold versus OSDE 310 or 410

I had hospital Aleman for a year. Its absolutely godforsaken place with godforsaken dentists.
I think they meant either a co-pay, or the discount on medicine. However, a lot of times obra sociales will give you a refund up to a certain point when you visit a doctor outside of their obra social, or if you go to another country.
Matiasba, who's your dentist?

Sorry Im a little late. I live in Pilar, 60 kms from BsAs, and the man works only here, in his house, with his daughter.

Mario Lavía
Julio A. Roca 156 - Villa Morra (Pilar)
Tel: 0230-4430749

He does not work with OSDE 210, only 310 (and higher, I guess). Hes excellent! :)
Hello; i am new to the blog and have had lots of problems with healthcare last year. Now I have OSDE 310 but decided to go to a private dentist because of bad experiences in the past. My dentist does not work with OSDE but he is great.

I found him doing extensive research in a place named whatclinic.com