"outlaws": Do You Agree?

Apparently justice Lorenzetti does not believe in defying the law: http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/167771/rulings-must-be-complied-with-in-argentina-everywhere

There are other 4 judges who disagree with him on "claren Corporation c/ EN arts. 517/518 cpcc exequatur s/varios", sentence of the Supreme Court of Argentina of March 6th 2014.
In fairness to Bajo Cero, law is an adversary process. You have to argue your client's innocence even when you know he's lying.
...and pointless to argue with a K, no?

I don t consider my self a K.

However, since this thread and the other one about "count down to default" were started, my predictions were accurate.

And this is because this is about law and facts.

It is a fact that the NYC jurisdiction was responsability of Menem acording to Brady's plan, not Kirchner like it was asserted.
Mr. "Professional" Which part of the Bond contract says it is OK to sign up for interest based bonds that are attached to inflation and then manipulate the INDEC to fuck the bond holder out of Billions of dollars in just due income. If Argentina fulfilled it's contractual obligations there would be zero reserves to anyone and Argentina would be in default again....as they were and are now and will be again. The point here is "it's never Argentina's fault", Argentina never honors an agreement of any kind with any partner and Argentina is a know pariah country. I think I am going to go discuss this with my dog, she's a Professional too [so is my masseuse].
Ghost, i showed that your previous comments were wrong. This is your answer?

By the way:

Ghost, i showed that your previous comments were wrong. This is your answer?

By the way:


By the way:
Why would I be suspect?
Mr. Martinez Guzman's (Fintech) purchase of Telecom Argentina is now assured, I would think. Deal has been on hold, awaiting AR government approval. And the 4G spectrum which the government is to auction off will go to.... Same guy that was involved in the cablevision deal with Nestor.
A little bit unrelated but I thought this would bring a sardonic chuckle to some of you ....

My place, Big Apple has had to close down twice this past week because of the protests on Viamonte about this matter.

Story One: I had to ask a gentleman to finish his breakfast and leave as we had to shut down for safety reasons. He fully understand, commenting ... ¨Yes! You terrible Yankees, all of you! You come to our country, you create jobs, and pay taxes, you give families security, and you expand the economy and offer new opportunities to Argentinos. Yes! Off with your heads, I say! Kinda sums it up.

But the best one...

While the protest was going on, we had for safety to protect our complete glass front lowered the metal curtain, which had already been painted with anti-Yankee sentiment in the previous protest. As I poked my head out of the metal doorway two of the protesters broke ranks and walked toward the door. The PFA immediately headed them off, and I am appreciative of that. What were they coming toward the door to do? The very same door that their companeros spray painted the anti-Yankee sentiment on....

They told the cops all they wanted to do was ask if they could have hot water for mate´!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little bit unrelated but I thought this would bring a sardonic chuckle to some of you ....

My place, Big Apple has had to close down twice this past week because of the protests on Viamonte about this matter.

Story One: I had to ask a gentleman to finish his breakfast and leave as we had to shut down for safety reasons. He fully understand, commenting ... ¨Yes! You terrible Yankees, all of you! You come to our country, you create jobs, and pay taxes, you give families security, and you expand the economy and offer new opportunities to Argentinos. Yes! Off with your heads, I say! Kinda sums it up.

But the best one...

While the protest was going on, we had for safety to protect our complete glass front lowered the metal curtain, which had already been painted with anti-Yankee sentiment in the previous protest. As I poked my head out of the metal doorway two of the protesters broke ranks and walked toward the door. The PFA immediately headed them off, and I am appreciative of that. What were they coming toward the door to do? The very same door that their companeros spray painted the anti-Yankee sentiment on....

They told the cops all they wanted to do was ask if they could have hot water for mate´!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I dont think that was because of something you did. Maybe because of what these people think the vultures did. But even if they are right or wrong for protesting this time, I think theres a bigger reason underlying, that is, the hate against north americans world wide. Its not something unique of Argentina, you know? I think there are lots of videos in youtube, "why do they hate us".

I think this hate against the US that of course has its characters in every city of the world, is the main reason of these protesters, even more than the fact if they are right or wrong to protest. Theres a history involving the US, so a little spark does the entire job for this people.
I don t consider my self a K.

However, since this thread and the other one about "count down to default" were started, my predictions were accurate.

And this is because this is about law and facts.
Slow day at the office:
The Republic hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to Related Proceedings
brought in a Specified Court in relation to Debt Securities of a Series governed by New York law
or a Specified Court in relation to Debt Securities of a Series governed by English law, as the
case may be, whether on the grounds of venue, residence or domicile or on the ground that the
Related Proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum.
