Palermo Soho

Sean-Ryan McCray

Mar 15, 2011
Hey everyone! I'm Sean-Ryan, I just arrived two days ago and I'm staying at a hostel in Palermo Soho while I look for housing in the area (a room to share).

In an attempt to get a grasp on this city I took a 3 hour walk and I feel like I haven't even put a dent in it... Which is great!

If anyone is free or would like to meet up and have some mate, since the coffee is so terrible (so far) just let me know!


Seattle native here. Wouldn't touch starbucks back home, millions of better options. Here, on the other hand, I can't stay away. For a country filled with things that look like espresso machines, it's damn near impossible to get espresso here.
Yeah me too.... in all 20 of the places that serve it, 18 of which are Starbucks locations
I have to confess to my guilty secret - I love Starbucks (here at least..)... I try and avoid coffee when I am out here, but as I don't drink tea anywhere (juts have never got to like it), there are times when I get "stuck" with a local coffee - cafe negro (I don't take milk either).... Yuck in most cases..... But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and a trip to Alto Avellaneda Shopping Mall, and the Starbucks for for a Grande Drip gives me the fix for a while....

Funny, I had a friend from the US being jealous of me living here as I must be enjoying the Steaks (give him that one) and the wonderful coffee (needless to say, he has never been here!)..... Ah well, off to Starbucks for a Drip....
I look for the illys or lavazza's logo before taking a cup of coffee at a cafe.
How many places actually brew Illys here? I haven't stumbled across one yet.

Plus the beans are just the start (a very good start, almost no one in this country knows how to roast coffee). Most "expresso" i've seen here has obviously been made way too hot with way too little pressure.

There are some good places here, I'm not saying there aren't it's just they are so few and far between that starbucks is a refreshing breath of consistency.

Also why is it so hard to get good coffee beans here> My grocery store doesn't carry any, coffee boutiques don't seem to have anything either. I buy all of my beans from either starbucks, est. general de cafe or segafredo. And while all are good, they are all about the same price (120-150/kg) which is more than double what I pay in the states.