Palermo Soho

Havanna actually makes a very good cup of coffee/espresso/latte. Was addicted to Starbucks in California for years so tried them here.....OMG......garbage!
SR, we made it back to BA on Tuesday. Let me know if you would like to get together for a coffee (as long as it s not Starbucks!)
To those who don't like the coffee here, what is your idea of good coffee? What kind of cafes are you visiting? On the whole, I find the coffee here to be very good, particularly in more traditional cafes. If the person making your coffee is over 40 the odds of it being good are much better. Sure, you get a bad one every once in a while but if dark, rich, and strong is what you like it's hard to go wrong here.

Agreed though that it's hard to find good whole beans here, but that's in keeping with the general lack of gourmet items in Argentina relative to USA and Europe.
It's hilarious that so many here are trolled completely without the intent. I, like PastPerfect, would like to know what people think of as good coffee. I've had excellent coffee all over ARG. No, not cafe Americano, although my local Tienda de Cafe does a good one. I prefer a cortado.

Starbucks? Oh yeah, I love my espresso in a paper cup. My Argentine wife on Starbucks: "Why do they sell all those cups, when they refuse to serve coffee in them?"
wineguy999 said:
It's hilarious that so many here are trolled completely without the intent. I, like PastPerfect, would like to know what people think of as good coffee. I've had excellent coffee all over ARG. No, not cafe Americano, although my local Tienda de Cafe does a good one. I prefer a cortado.

Starbucks? Oh yeah, I love my espresso in a paper cup. My Argentine wife on Starbucks: "Why do they sell all those cups, when they refuse to serve coffee in them?"

Well, if you put 50% milk, 40% sugar, and 10% coffee, is it really coffee? That's generally how people drink a cortado.

I drink coffee black. If you drink Argentine coffee black, your stomach will turn. It's like a syrupy goo -- for all I know, it could be crude. As I've said, Folgers coffee from the U.S. is even better. Compare Argentine coffee to Brazilian coffee, Colombian coffee, or Ecuadorian coffee (among many), and you'll know what we're talking about. But as long as you're drinking coffee that's drowned in sugar and milk, everything will be hunky-dory.
wineguy999 said:
It's hilarious that so many here are trolled completely without the intent. I, like PastPerfect, would like to know what people think of as good coffee. I've had excellent coffee all over ARG. No, not cafe Americano, although my local Tienda de Cafe does a good one. I prefer a cortado.

Starbucks? Oh yeah, I love my espresso in a paper cup. My Argentine wife on Starbucks: "Why do they sell all those cups, when they refuse to serve coffee in them?"

If you tell them that your drinking it there the almost always serve espresso in ceramic cups. As for what I think is a good coffee I think of well made espresso or if that is not an option a good strong French press or drip. The problem with espresso here is the well made qualification.
All this talk of italian coffee sent me downtown yesterday to try and pick up a kilo of beans from the Segafredo on florida y diagonal norte. When I got there however, I was crushed to discover that they are no longer open.

Fortunately I was only 1 block away from a starbucks and so was not stranded without coffee.
Sean-Ryan McCray said:
If anyone is free or would like to meet up and have some mate, since the coffee is so terrible (so far) just let me know!


If you can drink mate you'll also get used to the coffee - Argentinos love to have it roasted with sugar, that's why you have those beginner problems.

Look for a 'Calvi' shop to buy real coffee beans, then make it yourself.

If you think the coffe is something to avoid, wait until you have tried your first mouthful of Fernet Branca mixed with cola - yes, you read it correctly: Fernet + cola :D
John.St said:
If you can drink mate you'll also get used to the coffee - Argentinos love to have it roasted with sugar, that's why you have those beginner problems.

Look for a 'Calvi' shop to buy real coffee beans, then make it yourself.

If you think the coffe is something to avoid, wait until you have tried your first mouthful of Fernet Branca mixed with cola - yes, you read it correctly: Fernet + cola :D

If you think Fernet + Cola is something to avoid, just wait until you've had your first glass of Branca Menta. Branca Menta + coke, +'s like drinking the coolant from Chernobyl.