Patagonia or bust


May 25, 2011
I lasted 3 1/2 months. I need out of BsAs! So I'm headed south. I'm particularly interested in El Bolson....but I know very little about Patagonia in general, so I'm open. I would love to hook up with a work exchange type deal since I have nearly depleted all of my funds. I've looked into and I know about wwoofing. If anyone has any other information/ideas in that regard I would appreciate it. Also suggestions on places/things to see down there. Thank you!!
I can't help you with anything work related, but I suggest you come visit the area first. When we moved down here we traveled to a few nearby towns to see which one I would be comfortable living in. El Bolson is nice..but for me I don't know if I would last a week there. We chose Bariloche because you can live far enough from the center to be in peace, but at least have acess to things to do.
1+ on Nicole Ramirez´s opinion. El Bolson is a nice place but it´s too small and already full of people looking for a job. Bariloche is a big city (in Argentinean measurements) and you have much more posibilities of finding something there. Plus, the whole Nahuel Huapi lake area is just gorgeous and has lots of things to do and places to visit.