This thread is getting more interesting. As my original response was to austin, as much as I would like to pay the cleaner of my meager apartment "more",I would not want to antagonize my LOCAL neighbors who do not earn in dollars. I would upset the applecart (so to speak), and would never want to be accused of 'flaunting" my dollars. My neighbors earn in pesos, I am not mighty and superior by adding and translating payment of same service in dollars. I go with the flow and somehow I get the sense that the latest responses here interprets it as wrong? I do not get it. If the set rule in your building, condo complex, street is such or "X" pesos, go with the going rate. I in turn wanting to do more, give the girl something extra ( new blouse, whatever) but not in cash. They think I speak english I have more money - I am not sure where or who instigated that thinking but I do not want my neighbors to think that I am hoi pa loi by waving my dollar around. I think more of the peso earning (retirement) old lady who cannot afford to pay the cleaner more on top of the increasing price of potatoes and her milanesa de pollo. I mean in Argentina we should think in pesos, no and not in US dollars, right? This is Buenos Aires that we are in are after all.