It's"cbphoto" one of those "ignorant & uninformed" expats living here.... I have a question for you Mike1:Seeing
that you earn "way above the national average" which you said was 13
000$ annually (national average) ..let's assume by "way above" you
meant 2-3 times as 26 000$-39 000$... are you seriously trying
to tell us that you can not "afford" to give your maid a decent pay?I
would be happy to give you double your 2cents ...if I thought you
needed it and if I thought your "2 cents" were worth any more....
simple, you're not considerate enough to think about the fact that your
neighbors do not make as much as you do. Do you think it's fair for
your neighbors to be paying that "decent" pay that you've come up with
when the same house cleaner used you as a prime example? You're
obviously making it harder for others living in the same area because
of that "justified" wages and to the cleaner, she has a bigger excuse
to jack up the prices because "somebody" in the area can afford to pay
more. Are you here to blend in and make friends with your neighbors,
or are you here to make a lot of enemies? We live in Argentina, not
the US or Europe, and we have a responsibility to keep the balance of
things, not to blow it out of proportion to make it worse for the
locals and for others that comes in after you. We do not want the
label of having money written on our foreheads.
In the US and Europe, I hear about nothing but inflation and
money all the time. Obviously cbphoto, you still have that "I'm
American and I am better than you" attitude that the rest of the world
hates. Just because the cost of living here is considerably lower,
does not mean that we could manipulate it to our own liking and
throwing our dollars around. Start thinking like the locals, do what
they do, and think how they think. We are living here now, get used to
There are balances of things here, and just about anywhere you go
to, and by doing so, you're disrupting it. Think about what you would
be doing in Europe right now when that $8000 camera is going for close
to $9500 in Europe and about $11,800 in South America, and petrol is way beyond $5 per gallon. I highly doubt that
you would be flaunting that dollar around out there. Would you be
charging US or European rates and have people taking advantage of your
service? You'd probably be playing the same game and try to get the
cleaning lady there to lower her price or keep it the same because it's
too much for your standards of living there. Keep in mind that where
you live offsets what you make. If cost of living is lower, adjust to
it accordingly it's not fair to the locals. We're living here as a
part of the society, not to be tarred and feathered out of town. Do your homework and think about it. Yes, the numbers of my income are correct, it's way higher than the average person here makes, but for $11,800, that's a $3800 difference that I have to make up for the SAME camera that I have to purchase in the US. How many Argentinians have $11,800 to throw around right now? even just $3800 is a real cutthroat, even for Americans and Europeans. If I charge my "fair" American rates here, I wouldn't be getting a single job right now. I just have to grin & bear that pain by working harder to make up for that $3800 difference. I hear my friends back home crying about a $20-$30 difference for goods all the time. Yes I'm making less than I would in the US, but I'm having more luxuries than I did living in the US. I have to consider the fact is that I also have to pay 30-40% more for equipment as well. Just had some equipment shipped from the US a few days ago and I've taken a 50% hit on the tariff. What's really fair then?