Pesos in Uruguay

ndcj said:
Yes, there's just about every Uruguayan bank in Colonia, all on the main street.

All Uruguayan ATMs allow you to withdraw dollars with a foreign card. BROU (Banco Republica) allows $US1000 per withdrawal, with no maximum number of withdrawals per day (up to the limit of your cards) and no ATM fee. The private banks (all using a network called Banred) have a limit usually of $US300 per transaction and have a fee of, I think, $US4.00 per withdrawal.

Great, gonna give it a shot next week I think!
Its a simple calculation: If u have a 2000 USD limit f.ex., and have 2 different cards to use, u can get like 4000 USD out on a trip like this. With the spread between official and blue rate of 30%, u make 5000 peso difference!!!!!!(5,80 minus 4,48 multiplied with 4000)
Pays for the trip, and a big icecream on top!!!!!!!

I went to Uruguay yesterday with a UK sterling card and a Payoneer dollar card, unfortunately the banks were closed due to it being a Ferriada for the Carnival. I went to BROU first on 25 de Mayo, but unfortunately another guy got there before me and cleaned the machine out. I then went around the plaza and found a bank that still had dollars. If you use Payoneer, these are the charges:
ATM Withdrawal International. Surcharge: -5.0

Amount to charge: $312.64 (Including Fees)

You can only withdraw in sums of $300 at a time, the machine charges $5 and Payoneer charge $12.64.

I could not withdraw dollars from my sterling card, I presume that is because it is a sterling card, so I withdrew Uruguay pesos. And just around the corner from the bank there is a kiosk, I asked the man if there was a Casa de Cambio open and he told me that he changes money, so I changed my Uruguay pesos with him at a rate of 19 pesos UYU for one dollar, so roughly the exchange rate of Argentinian peso was 5 pesos to the dollar.

Here in Buenos Aires today I changed some of my dollars at the rate of $7.50, so I did make a fair profit on my dollars. I went by car, had to pay 600 pesos multa for myself and my daughter, gas in my car was approximately 100 pesos, and 42 pesos in peajes, If anyone would like further details regarding this then I would be happy to help.

By the way if anyone knows of anywhere in Buenos Aires to pay pesos Uruyuaygian I would be grateful, that way more money could be made by returning to Uruguay.

Yes, there's just about every Uruguayan bank in Colonia, all on the main street.

All Uruguayan ATMs allow you to withdraw dollars with a foreign card. BROU (Banco Republica) allows $US1000 per withdrawal, with no maximum number of withdrawals per day (up to the limit of your cards) and no ATM fee. The private banks (all using a network called Banred) have a limit usually of $US300 per transaction and have a fee of, I think, $US4.00 per withdrawal.

This thread is obsolete, is 9 months old....!! If you get US$ 1000 at Brou you are lucky !!! I was not able to do it one month ago...!!
I wonder if BROU will change marked or wrinkles dollar bills for new ones since no one will accept them in Buenos Aires.
Those bills are worthless here!! depends on how much you want for them, maybe at a very discounted rate???
Even $20 US bills in perfect condition are nearly impossible to sell because they're used in laundered money.
I bought ten singles US$ from a friend in need!! I use them for tips!! no one can change them.... :D
I could not get any money from BROU; as someone in front of me wiped the machine out of dollars, but I watched him and I know for a fact that he could only get $300 at a time. I think from reading an Argentinean post on this subject, that you can go inside the bank and get cash direct from the teller at half the cost of withdrawing from the ATM. Also one of the bank employees, told me that there is one card from the USA that is banned from withdrawing from in Uruguay, but I know Payoneer is okay.