Picking up my books at the Correo Argentino in Retiro

Thanks, everyone.

I nearly had a nervous breakdown. I pulled a ticket, and I was number 394. They were on number 199 at the time. Then, I went out into the big room and read something about paying fees at Banco de La Nacion. I proceeded to have a minor conniption fit, and I ran out of the place.

There was no way I was going to wait for 200 people at the post office and 200 more at the bank. But if I don't have to go to the bank, then excellent. I'm thrilled.

I will have to pay fees, according to the "aviso." $5 ARS for the "gastos de devolución" and starting today $2 ARS for the "tasa de almacenaje."
Last time I ordered books from Amazon the mailman brought them to my door. Perhaps that's the way it works in suburban San Isidro.
You have to be enterprising...I was slapped with $200 charges for some books and cell phone when delivered to my door...I went to Retiro and got them in 20 min with no charges at all...I just went to the back room where all the mail is coming in, talked to a Belushi-type looking character who opened the package and let me take it.

You have to be aggressive but also nice/charming.
SaraSara said:
Last time I ordered books from Amazon the mailman brought them to my door. Perhaps that's the way it works in suburban San Isidro.

Yep, that's quite strange because even in Nunez (inside the city but in the far northern part) big packages tend to be delivered automatically while in more centrical barrios, people have to go to the CPI in Retiro.
I had two very big packages (artworks, package of 3x3 ft) delivered straight to the door.

It's really odd but good to know !
SaraSara said:
Last time I ordered books from Amazon the mailman brought them to my door. Perhaps that's the way it works in suburban San Isidro.

Books consistently come to my door, I didn't think they were subject to import taxes.
if you are receiving books you don't need to pay fees. just take a number and wait, in any case it should not exceed the 3 hours, last time it was a 2 hr wait for me.

advice: best time to go is on fridays afternoon, all the post office employees want to rush out so all goes quicker.

with books the only case you will need to pay fees is when the free deposit is due. with the notification also comes a due-date for picking up, after that they will charge you for the use of deposit.
SaraSara said:
Last time I ordered books from Amazon the mailman brought them to my door. Perhaps that's the way it works in suburban San Isidro.

Very careful with this one, Amazon started using courier services as a default not being able to use a conventional postal service. Meaning: your package will go through customs and DHL will charge extra fees. I stopped using Amazon because of it.

I don't know if up to now the still do this, maybe they re-enabled the USPS postal service.
pauper said:
Get there as early as possible, yes you could be lucky and have everything in an hour but I have spent 4-5 hours there, then as those thoughts invade your head 'what if they've already called my number?' 'what happens when they close and I still don't have a package or the original slip?' you'll understand the true evilness of this 'system', I'm sure it's against the Geneva convention.

If you think they already called your number just go inside & give them your paper. They will say "not yet" or get your package, which ever if relevant. I went in about 3 times before it was actually my turn.

Hop said:
YES. Can't even go to the bathroom for fear of missing that precious number...

Oh boy. No need to burst your bladder. After you go to the bathroom, just go in the door & hand them your slip. They will tell you "not yet" and send you back out. Or give you your package. No one will bite your head off for going through the door when it's not yet your turn or if you didn't run in within a millisecond of them calling you.

Bradley, I'd go as early as possible, not later.
Bradley, sorry to hear your story! I feel your pain. My Mom sent me a package on my last birthday and I had to go down there. I was just as confused as you were. I got my number and sat patiently. Then I realized I couldn't understand the lady rambling off the numbers. She was doing it so quickly that I could barely understand it!

So what I did was I noted the last person who came in after me and I decided to watch her and when she went for her package I would know that it was probably about my time too. It worked and I got my package, maybe you can do the same thing.
By the way, books pay no customs duties here, I get my books delivered to my home directly from the US no aduana at all. henry