Pine nuts

I just bought a 1.5 lb bag of pine nuts yesterday at Costco for $23. Hidden in the back, written Product of China. I'm surprised. I have not tasted them yet.
You will not care for the Chinese product. Try these
I just bought a 1.5 lb bag of pine nuts yesterday at Costco for $23. Hidden in the back, written Product of China. I'm surprised. I have not tasted them yet.
Can you out-of-towners please make it clear when you're out of town - I just choked on my vital tony.
Never you mind, I will not indulge idle speculation nor rumour mongering when it comes to the delicate subject of my gagging reflex.

Good day to you sir.
Yesterday for Lunch.

Pine Nuts Pizza, it was delicious !

What expelling me already? I haven't even visited as of yet, please have mercy on this Anciano Japones!
If wasn't for the existence of, it carry the candle of my hope of be able to visit the gran Argentina whilst bed ridden
across three foot surgeries. After each surgery, then the hard cast comes on then endure the pain for least 6 months, then repeat it again and again ! So I as soon the Judge settles my case then free to finally accomplish my trip over to Argentina~landia !
I wanted to see by my own eyes,to understanding why are the expats doin' there amidst its never ending crisis..