The Hasbara Handbook: Promoting Israel on Campus, is now available online. And this is an interesting admission (page 31 onwards):
" Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message. "
The manual goes on to describe seven propaganda techniques:
1. Name calling:
2. Glittering generality
3. Transfer:
4. Testimonial:
5. Plain folks:
6. Fear:
7. Bandwagon:
The examples given are very interesting, and worth reading..
Hasbara refers to the propaganda efforts to sell Israel, justify its actions, and defend it in world opinion. Using contemporary euphemisms, it is Public diplomacy for Israel, or using a pejorative interpretation, then it is apologia. Israel portrays itself as fighting on two fronts: the Palestinians and world opinion. The latter is dealt with hasbara. The premise of hasbara is that Israel's problems are a matter of better propaganda, and not one of an underlying unjust situation.
The techniques utilized :
1. Smearing/defaming critics of Israel, aka, attacking the messenger. This is even the terminology found in the Hasbara Handbook
2. Selective discussion of issues
3. Framing of issues, and setting the terminology used in discussing Israel
4. Harassing media about its coverage, aka, flak
5. Challenging the portrayal of an alternative narrative, and attempting to keep the zionist narrative as the dominant one.
Israel has been accused of using weapons in Gaza that are and have been deemed to be illegal weapons in terms of their use in populated areas. Video footage of Israeli aircraft dropping such weapons has been seen worldwide.
MATTHEW 25:40 said:'I tell you the truth , whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
bigbadwolf said:Here is an interesting article, titled "Child Tortured, His Genitals Electrified By Israeli Interrogators." No doubt it will send Darmanad scurrying to cook up an erudite and sophisticated legal analysis on how this was completely justified in this best of all possible worlds.