Pirate state of Israel

darmanad said:
I invite you to point out where I have posted wrong information. After all, this is a serious subject so mature, thoughtful people are interested in discussing the issues. Unfortunately, based upon your silly childish posts I tend to agree with you that it would be pointless for you to comment.

You have posted false and misleading information all through this forum and tried to treat an intelligent group of people as fools with your senseless propaganda and portrayal of palestinians and other middle eastern people who happen to not be jewish . Your rascism is far worse than any I have personally seen here and makes your case of being the victim pathetic and childish .

You are supporting genocide Darmanad fine but do it elsewhere as most Argentinians do not support genocide nor do they support misinformation and unintelligent debate .
It is not worth arguing with someone so obviously biased, that's why I poked fun at all that preaching.

Personally, I resent my hard-earned tax dollars going to support Israeli aggression. Things would be very different if Uncle Sam stopped bankrolling Israel to the tune of seven million dollars a day.

cabrera said:
You have posted false and misleading information all through this forum and tried to treat an intelligent group of people as fools with your senseless propaganda and portrayal of palestinians and other middle eastern people who happen to not be jewish . Your rascism is far worse than any I have personally seen here and makes your case of being the victim pathetic and childish .

You are supporting genocide Darmanad fine but do it elsewhere as most Argentinians do not support genocide nor do they support misinformation and unintelligent debate .
cabrera said:
You have posted false and misleading information all through this forum and tried to treat an intelligent group of people as fools with your senseless propaganda and portrayal of palestinians and other middle eastern people who happen to not be jewish . Your rascism is far worse than any I have personally seen here and makes your case of being the victim pathetic and childish .
You are supporting genocide Darmanad fine but do it elsewhere as most Argentinians do not support genocide nor do they support misinformation and unintelligent debate .

Now I have to LOL. I have repeatedly asked you and your fellow ranters to specify where I have posted false info. Instead of replying with a cogent, substantive answer all you and they do is continue to spew infantile and uncouth terms like nigga, douche, BS , nazi and troll to demonize me - but no one has specified anything that I have posted as factually inaccurate. No amount of coaxing can get you or the others to specify any mistaken facts that I have posted so that we can have an honest debate. Your minds are made up. You don't want to know or be confused by the facts. You think your condemnation of Israel is hip and shows what a smart and ethical person you are. You epitomize the multicultural, politically correct know-nothing who feels so satisfyingly self-righteous by ceremoniously joining in the demonization of Israel without bothering to learn the issues.

By the way Islam is not a race. There are Muslims of all colors and genetic types. That you accuse me of racism just further demonstrates your ignorance.

SaraSara said:
It is not worth arguing with someone so obviously biased, that's why I poked fun at all that preaching.
Personally, I resent my hard-earned tax dollars going to support Israeli aggression. Things would be very different if Uncle Sam stopped bankrolling Israel to the tune of seven million dollars a day.

So after reconsideration you have decided to try to make a point, huh? I thought we had both agreed that based upon your silly childish remarks it would be pointless for you to join in the discussion in a serious meaningful way. :) Okay, you're entitled to a change of heart. So now you say I am obviously biased. Against what?
I admit I am opposed to the core tenets of the Islamic belief system FOR THE REASONS I HAVE SPECIFIED. It is an intolerant, supremacist belief system that seeks to impose a worldwide caliphate under sharia law, a chauvinistic law that would give you one half the value of a man in a court of law as a witness. Law that would allow your husband to physically abuse you. That would punish apostasy and blasphemy with death. That would disallow freedom of conscience or expression. That would punish premarital sex and homosexual conduct with death. And that would not treat all persons equally under the law. Do you take issue with these statements? What do you know about the Quran, hadith and sharia? Have you read the Hamas Charter? What did you think of the Aznar piece? Did you read it? Do you think he, too, is biased based upon his statments:
The real threats to regional stability, however, are to be found in the rise of a radical Islamism which sees Israel’s destruction as the fulfilment of its religious destiny and, simultaneously in the case of Iran, as an expression of its ambitions for regional hegemony. Both phenomena are threats that affect not only Israel, but also the wider West and the world at large..........
The West is going through a period of confusion over the shape of the world’s future. To a great extent, this confusion is caused by a kind of masochistic self-doubt over our own identity; by the rule of political correctness; by a multiculturalism that forces us to our knees before others; and by a secularism which, irony of ironies, blinds us even when we are confronted by jihadis promoting the most fanatical incarnation of their faith. To abandon Israel to its fate, at this moment of all moments, would merely serve to illustrate how far we have sunk and how inexorable our decline now appears.

The only point of departure I might have with Aznar's statment is that he refers to the jihadis as promoting the most fanatical incarnation of their faith. In fact, it is simply the most pious. The Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaida and Taliban factions are comprised of Muslims who are acting exactly as prescribed in the Quran and sunnah/religious texts. Accordingly, they regard all land in the mideast as sacred waqf which can never be property on the kuffir.
Rather than poke fun at all my preaching, as you say, why don't you simply demonstrate with facts and reasoned argument how I am biased. I dare you.
p.s. I confess that I have bias against people who belittle others without putting forth any reasons to support their position.
Darmanad, whether you like it or not, no-one is buying what you're selling. In your opinion your detractors might be ignoramuses -- or whatever disparaging epithet you want to use. Yet they -- I should say we -- are unanimous that Israel is in the wrong and hair-splitting legal sophistry is unlikely to convince us otherwise. In the court of public opinion, Israel is guiltier 'n hell. Why not call it a day and desist from these futile posts?

I am aware that Israel has called upon an army of internet activists to wage a war of internet propaganda and disinformation. Are you one of these net warriors?
bigbadwolf said:
Darmanad, whether you like it or not, no-one is buying what you're selling. In your opinion your detractors might be ignoramuses -- or whatever disparaging epithet you want to use. Yet they -- I should say we -- are unanimous that Israel is in the wrong and hair-splitting legal sophistry is unlikely to convince us otherwise. In the court of public opinion, Israel is guiltier 'n hell. Why not call it a day and desist from these futile posts?

I am aware that Israel has called upon an army of internet activists to wage a war of internet propaganda and disinformation. Are you one of these net warriors?

I told you before. The number of people who agree with me here is not how I gauge my conduct. I am selling truth and it bothers me not one whit that those who have engaged me are not buying. Those who seriously maintain that the Israeli treatment of the Gazans/Palestinians consitutes genocide, that it is worse than the Nazi treatment of the Jews during WWII are indeed ignoramuses. And you, of all people, have no moral authority to call me on ad hominem attacks. Your posts are full of them. Vitriolic ones at that.
As a matrer of fact I enjoy the exchanges here because each time I assert a factual rejoinder to these ranters, the attempts at mockery are so nonsensical they are entertaining. Their inability to reply intelligently reinforces my belief they do not know the issues. They rant, they accuse me of ignoring the truth, but they never (or hardly ever) even take a stab at setting forth their understanding of the issues.

A misinformation warrior on behalf of Israel? No. If you read my posts you would see my position on Israel is hardly that of a gung ho warrior. After all, I am on record as being against the settlements on land captured in the 1967 war, against administrative imprisonment, against retention of Jerusalem by Israel and in favor of reparations for those Arabs who abandoned property in the 1940s. But tell me, BBwolf, in your opinion exactly what is the propaganda or misinformation I have posted here either with respect to the Marmara or the mideast conflict in general?
p.s. Why do you continually advocate a cessation of discussion on this subject? This is the third time you have done so in this thread. Why shouldn't the issues be discussed.
Mr. Israel you can send your little propaganda spammers out into the internet, but your true face has already been revealed. Zionism is racism. Israel is a rogue nuclear state.
Lucas said:
Mr. Israel you can send your little propaganda spammers out into the internet, but your true face has already been revealed. Zionism is racism. Israel is a rogue nuclear state.

I have never tried to hide my true face. Why do you suggest it has been "revealed" as if I previously attempted to misrepresent myself in any way?

In 1991 the UN specifically passed a resolution decreeing that Zionism was not apartheid overturning an earlier 1975 resolution to the contrary. Is it your contention that the Israel of today and South Africa of yesterday have a racist government policy in common? Here's an extract from a recent op piece that appeared in the Washington Post that speaks to the issue
The Israel of today and the South Africa of yesterday have almost nothing in common. In South Africa, the minority white population harshly ruled the majority black population. Nonwhites were denied civil rights, and in 1958, they were even deprived of citizenship. In contrast, Israeli Arabs, about one-fifth of the country, have the same civil and political rights as do Israeli Jews. Arabs sit in the Knesset and serve in the military, although most are exempt from the draft. Whatever this is -- and it looks suspiciously like a liberal democracy -- it cannot be apartheid.
The West Bank, more or less under Israeli military rule, is a different matter. But it is not part of Israel proper, and under every conceivable peace plan -- including those proposed by Israeli governments -- almost all of it will revert to the Palestinian Authority and become the heartland of a Palestinian state.
Yet Israel's critics continue to hurl the apartheid epithet at the state when they have to know, or they ought to know, that it is a calumny. Interestingly, they do not use it for Saudi Arabia, which maintains as perfect a system of gender apartheid as can be imagined -- women can't even drive, never mind vote -- or elsewhere in the Arab world, where Palestinians sometimes have fewer rights than they do in Israel.
Why do you think about the points raised in this piece?

Israel never signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. It may have a nuclear weapon, but it is not a rogue in the sense that it has broken any agreements on the subject. There are four non-parties to the treaty that are known or believed to possess nuclear weapons: India, Pakistan and North Korea have openly tested and declared that they possess nuclear weapons, while Israel has had a policy of opacity regarding its own nuclear weapons program. Iran is a signer of the NPT and has been recently sanctioned by the UN Security Council for violating the terms of its agreement. Would you concede Iran is a rogue for violating its NPT agreements?

Once again, Israel has shown that the country has little or no regard for international law, human rights laws and definitions and the nuclear-armed country can now, beyond reasonable doubt, be regarded as a rogue state.

First of all, Israel has proven time and time again that it has no intention to withdraw from occupied territory despite countless UN resolutions as well numerous representations by other countries including Europe and the US.

Israel has no regard for the internationally stipulated human rights provisions of those living in occupied and thus stolen territory. The country continues to build new settlements on stolen lands, continues to steal from Palestinians and routinely denies Palestinians their rights in relation to food and medical and other supplies into Gaza and occupied territories.

Israel has no regard for international laws and conventions in relation to the use of passports and other travel documents and it has been proven that Israel routinely copies and then uses, for illegal purposes, the passports of foreign nationals. The case of the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai is only just one such incident there being others.

The passports used in that incident were produced at a Government-owned facility just outside Tel Aviv.
In the latest incident, Israel has turned ‘pirate’ in relation to intercepting an unarmed aid supply convoy travelling in international waters between Cyprus and Gaza.

Israel has been accused of using weapons in Gaza that are and have been deemed to be illegal weapons in terms of their use in populated areas. Video footage of Israeli aircraft dropping such weapons has been seen worldwide.

Israel is a nuclear weapons power. The country currently 218 nuclear weapons that are spread around various Israeli bases as well as a central nuclear weapons storage facility. Ten more warheads are currently being assembled. Israel has the means to deliver such weapons through the use of both missile as well as aircraft-based.

In the latest incident, Israel has turned ‘pirate’ in relation to intercepting an unarmed aid supply convoy travelling in international waters between Cyprus and Gaza. The act of piracy was conducted by armed Israeli Navy personnel and supported by Israeli commandos. Footage shot by agencies not on board the supply convoy vessels show Israeli forces firing at those on board the supply vessels even prior to them boarding the ships in an undisciplined and random manner proving that apart from engaging in and conducting and act of piracy, Israel can’t even carry out a clean boarding excercise.

The footage as well as intelligence information also shows and confirms that those on board the supply vessels were unarmed.

In all, the argument of Israel being a rogue state has now more than adequately been established and measures to reign in this out of control country and its grubby Government must now commence.

First of all, instead of waffling into space, the UN must now act in terms of a number of issues in relation to Israel. Measures in relation to Israel’s breaches should relate to Israel’s nuclear weapons, Israeli human rights abuses, breaches of international law and conventions as well as the latest act of piracy. Should Israel fail to comply with further UN resolutions then UN sanctions should not be ruled out.

Those accused of international law breaches must be legally held accountable through international processes. Failure by the UN to act would only prove what many have been saying for years being that the UN is no longer able to serve a purpose and should thus either be fundamentally reformed or abandoned. The US might also care to review its currently cosy relationship with the Israeli Government as its connection with the current Israeli Government is damaging America’s reputation worldwide.

Organisations, countries and individuals worldwide may care to put their own protests in place by introducing individual nation or collective sanctions and applying boycotts of Israeli good and services.

Clearly, the latest Israel actions have simply confirmed the view held by many that Israel is an out of control rogue state.
These are not the actions of righteous people.

Your " Hasbara " won't work anymore.

All people need to do is open their eyes and all your cheap words turn to dust.
