So there was this world famous medical clinic in Switzerland .....
And one day the top doctor in the place called three of his patients into his office for a meeting. One was an Englishman, one was French and the other was an American who was Jewish.
And the doctor said: "I have bad news and good news for all of you."
"The bad news is I have evaluated your cases thoroughly and unfortunately there is nothing more I can do to help you. All of you will die within a month."
"The good news is that I can grant each of you one wish and this can be anything you desire."
Hearing this, the Englishman immediately began to describe a month-long series of elaborate meals that he wished to have prepared for him by the most famous chefs in Europe.
Not to be outdone, the Frenchman asked that the ten most beautiful women in Europe be brought to the clinic so that he might be suitably entertained by them in the last month of his life.
Finally, the doctor turned to his Jewish patient and asked, "And what sir, may I do for you? To which the Jewish man replied, "Well to tell you the truth, I'd like to see another doctor."