Please Help - Old Dni - Trip To Us

Your letting the local mentality get the better of you. Take a step back and think about it. Can Argentina prevent you from leaving the country with your passport? No, that would make zero sense. Any international traveler would be able to do that. Countries can't hold foreign citizens hostage (with the exception of North Korea, Iran, Cuba, and the like, but Argentina is not quite there yet).
Your letting the local mentality get the better of you. Take a step back and think about it. Can Argentina prevent you from leaving the country with your passport? No, that would make zero sense. Any international traveler would be able to do that. Countries can't hold foreign citizens hostage (with the exception of North Korea, Iran, Cuba, and the like, but Argentina is not quite there yet).
You are dead wrong. If you are a Permanent Resident of Argentina. You are, thereby under Argentine law on Argentine soil. They can and will deny exit if they see a reason. I have seen this happen many times and I have also had it happen to our family especially while traveling with children.
If a permanent resident "cannot leave Argentine borders without the new DNI effective June 30, 2015" how are muddy_helmet and his son going to get to Montevideo?

I've read that the reciprocity fee only applies to airport arrivals, but doesn't this new requirement apply to all permanent residents leaving at any border crossing...or will it only be enforced at the airports?

The retaliation fee applies at every border crossing. Several times this summer I had to show proof of payment at Patagonian crossings.

You can no longer do it in person even at Ezeiza; everybody must do it online. The only persons exempt, as I understand it, are Argentine nationals traveling on foreign passports - my wife, who no longer has an Argentine passport, enters on her US passport but does not have to pay the fee.
Ghost: re-read Bajo's answer. Sounds like you are dead wrong.

EDIT: ok asshole, what exactly are you arguing here? That the OP would NOT be able to use their passport in this case? That is clearly wrong.
Ghost: re-read Bajo's answer. Sounds like you are dead wrong.
Read my post. I speak from personal experience. You are thick as brick. If you are a perm resident of Argentina your US passport means nothing until you are in the air.
I'm not sure how it works for expats.
Argentinians can only use the DNI to travel to neighbouring countries: Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia. The only valid document to exit Argentina and travel to any other country is a valid passport.
Missed a few...

- Estados Partes del MERCOSUR y Estados Asociados (Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela): podrá viajar con DNI .... , Cédula MERCOSUR o pasaporte vigentes.

- Resto del mundo: deberá viajar con pasaporte vigente. Rest of the world with a valid passport.
Read my post. I speak from personal experience. You are thick as brick. If you are a perm resident of Argentina your US passport means nothing until you are in the air.

This is true only regarding citizenship.