Possum In The Kitchen!

Possum: I recommend you keep clear of my Texas friends. They don't quite understand the Rodney King rhetorical question-

"Can't we all just get along?"


Be safe out there.
"Possum in the Kitchen"

As they say in West Virginia, "If you don't like the smell of Possum, get out of the kitchen".
If it costs 40 pesos it's OBVIOUSLY not lomo. Maybe you could explain the cuts or we could find a website that explains them. I remember that I once bought something that said lomo, it was paper thin milanesa style meat which I absolutely hated. I later discovered that real lomo is sold as an entire piece of tenderloin (about 3 lbs), and it sells for like 120ish a kilo.

It's true. The butcher won't sell much less than half a kilo because it's too expensive to sell a small piece. A kilo is around $120 pesos. I buy it every week. Oven roasted colita de cuadril is very tastey for Easter.
I thought someone had cooked a comadreja reading the title (my dogs keep killing those animals).

My malamute had a near confrontation with a raccoon two nights ago, and I had to drag him away. They can do serious damage to dogs. He has killed possums and squirrels, though.