Predictions for 2011

I predict that Gouchobob will move back to Argentina in 2011 as its obvious he is bored in the USA and misses us terribly ;) Buenos Aires is chaotic, ungovernable and expensive but there is very few cities that can match this one for excitement .

Many leave out of frustation but the Queen of the River Plate will call you back and haunt your dreams until you are counting the days to your next visit........
I predict that Tinelli will win the presidential election in 2011 leading to procedings in the legislature being broadcast as 'Debato por un Sueño' and the appearance of topless Piqueteras in Plaza de Mayo
im going to be a millionaire or im going to be dead!! and that i will be in bs as for new years 2011
A&A said:
I predict that towards the end of 2011 there will be numerous programs devoted to looking back at the year 2011.

And at the beginning of 2011 there will be programs looking back at the year 2010! ;)
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L_K_P said:
im going to be a millionaire or im going to be dead!! and that i will be in bs as for new years 2011

We will miss your posts here on baexpats.
I predict empanadas will cost $5 pesos each and people are gonna flip out about it.
I predict that nature will send us more signs than this year in case we do not turn around complitly and start saving nature.
I think the big event in 2011 will be a big slow-down in the Chinese economy, perhaps something of a collapse. This will have big repercussions here in Argentina and the rest of the world. Timing is hard to call, could be 2011 or perhaps 2012 but it is coming to us all soon.
Seriously I do predict that 2011 will be a watershed year for the engineered economic crash . The euro will collapse and the dollar highely likely . There will be more natural disasters than ever recorded and more refugees will flood our borders to escape unfavourable conditions in their home countries.

It will be a year that will be remembered for millenia and not in a positive light .