Presumed Guilty Of Domestic Service Evasion....!! A F I P

That is the old labor law for domestic help, under the new law -changed this last April- even maids who work less than the 6 hrs per week must be in blanco.
La novedad es que ahora todas las empleadas, no importa las horas que trabajen, deberán estar en blanco, cuando antes era a partir de las seis horas por semana de trabajo doméstico.
Interesting the comparing with Castro when this government is copying the US...

Actually I read it the other way. It's a way for los K to pack the voting booths with naive young kids who fall for any kind of slogan. From La Campora directly to the voting booth ..
Hope I'm wrong...

Mariposa, you are correct. That was obviously K's intent . However, I am seeing is at least some effort by the upper class in Recoleta (for example) to offset K's plan to pack the roster with young impressionable voters. In the last moments of April the youth were being herded by their parents to register to vote.

I mention the 'upper class' because what we are seeing is 'class warfare.' At the moment it is fashionable to attack those nameless wealthy people-- the deepest pockets, so to speak. We see this not only in AR, but in US and the Eurozone as well. Witness the current flap regarding the tax on household help here in AR or the 'hair cut' (aka known as theft) of the deposits in Cypress banks, but only on accounts with more than a certain value. In the US there is currently a 'tax the rich' theme as well.

Who decides where to draw the line between the haves and the have nots? Here it is the K administraction who apparently can and does draw the line one day and move it the next. (I am told by at least one employee of AFIP that the son of K is actually calling the shots there.) The 'vulture funds' who are legitimately owed money by AR certainly are on the wrong side of the line. They apparently stand right next to REPSOL, those evil people from Spain.

In the case of REPSOL the line was redrawn to include them just a couple of years after Mr. K helped them privatize the company. When it was politically expedient or a new sensational distraction was needed-- they were put on the wrong side of the line. The sudden discovery that they were not operating properly implies that there no regular audits of the company over their years of operation, but I doubt that is the case. If it is the case, the blame may fall on the K administration for blatant mismanagement.

The hidden truth is that if given such power, one day the line will be redrawn to include anyone with a bank account perhaps? Anyone with a credit card must have too much money? Or anyone with a debit card, car, boat, television, internet connection? Finally anyone who buys a toothbrush or an umbrella is included in the desperation to keep the ship of state afloat.

Next we justify our actions by stating that they are neccessary for; the good of the country, security against terrorism, national security, equality, justice, etc. In the meantime K attempts to manipulate the composition of the judicial system so that it is easier for her to define; good, security, equality and justice. Once she has accomplished this, watch for more governmental controls on private business and the wealthy. More international businesses choose to leave AR because of the hostile commercial environment. Witness the shrinking selection of products in any store in the country over the past year or so.

Manufacturers can't get parts through the importation process and have to operate with makeshift solutions. When they complain that they will have to shut down business unless they get the parts they need, the response from the governing agencies is; "Go ahead and shut down--we can take over the business and run it if necessary." I have heard this story first hand from a company operating here for over 50 years. Sadly, there is no resource here to manufacture these particular parts in the country.

I watch from the sidelines, because I am among the ranks of expats. Seeing this mismanagement of the country unfold is like watching every economic action that hasever failed elsewhere (price controls, for example) being attempted with vigor here in AR as if it were a new idea! In the meantime, myself and other expats afford the advantage of the 'blue dollar' without complaint.
Just heard on the news: if you make over the threshhold and you don´t have a maid declared the AFIP will contact you and ask if you have a maid. If you don´t (the only Argnetine who makes a ton of money and doesn´t have help) you present a signed statement saying so (declaracion jurada). You need to make over $500000 a year for them to do this.
Hell, everyone I know who makes over $100000 a year has a maid, so the bar isn´t set that low.
I will say that they way the stated this at first was very unclear, after seeing a news story on it (telefe) it is much more clear.

Posted Today, 11:34 AM

At the moment it is fashionable to attack those nameless wealthy people-- the deepest pockets, so to speak. We see this not only in AR, but in US and the Eurozone as well.

I for one have no problems with that whatsoever!!
Is never reasonable to asume one is breaking the law and charge you because of it. Government shouldn't make a law saying "oh, you are earning above 28k pesos per month, so, you must have an illegal maid. Shame on you sir, here is your ticket!"

This is only opening a door for other laws to charge you 50% for all those iphones "you must have smuggled cause you flew back from the US" or charge you as an evader "for the cayman bank accounts you probably have because you earn above 7,000 pesos per month and went there once in 2005".

I agree completely. And then if you are charged, they put the burden of proof on you to provide evidence to the contrary, when the only evidence they have proving you did it is how much you are earning. So now you need to provide witnesses and documentation to prove you have no maid.

Of course this will just lead to falsifications of witnesses, person A will testify person B has no maid, person B will testify for person C, person C for person D, and person D for person A.... I've seen it happen with rear-enders, on-site work "accidents" and fights in the street that have lead to charges of assault -- it's rather common in the courts here, why wouldn't it be for taxes.

[however, the fact is now that they've rectified the statment to say you need the 500k + 300k patrimonio well, yes, most of those people will have empleados. The 300k is ludicrous, they haven't increased that since I think about 2007, it is to trap everyone who is paying bienes personales, but the ceiling is so outdated, anyone that owns even a monoambiente in most parts of Capital falls within it]
Pointing the finger and condemning the elite in Argentina with a $50k Rolex hanging on your wrist just rubs me the wrong way for some unknown reason. "Don't do as I do, do as I say" has never set well with me.
Of course this will just lead to falsifications of witnesses, person A will testify person B has no maid, person B will testify for person C, person C for person D, and person D for person A.... I've seen it happen with rear-enders, on-site work "accidents" and fights in the street that have lead to charges of assault -- it's rather common in the courts here, why wouldn't it be for taxes.

Person B will falsely testify that Person A has a maid and collect a reward from the AFIP.... :D