Price of meat will skyrocket

Surely Flealess is aware on how the government controls the Brecha Cambiaria/Blue by selling in the Finance markets dollars coming in from exports.

I'm well aware of what they're doing with the other dollars, yes, and I understand that it has an impact on the blue. None of them exist in a vacuum. But there's no conspiracy here. The government has been very clear and straightforward about what it's doing, in contrast to the Kirchnerista governments.
Off-topic, but here’s a public service announcement, and reminder to myself, for those of us who didn’t learn Spanish here in Argentina: it’s “fila”, not “cola”, and if you phrase the question “do I have to queue up” as “hay que hacer cola”, you will get some very strange looks indeed.

Same goes for “concha”, normally the skin of a fruit, don’t use the word in normal conversation.

That’s all I’ll say, there are actual linguists on the forum and I don’t want to tangle with them.
In CABA, at least, the word fila is rare. The vast majority use the word cola.
Yes, the government is heavily intervening to keep the Blue Dollar low. It doesn’t seem like a winning strategy for a country with net negative reserves.

And, to be fair, market economies, or their central banks, do intervene in the currency markets. Again, it doesn’t always work out, especially if they’re up against someone with the firepower of, say, George Soros.
I've been surprised to see them "wasting" money to intervene in the market. I have never understood it, and in the twenty years I've been here, it's never worked, and they tell me that it never worked before that, which makes sense. I'd like to believe that they know what they're doing, but it just seems like a losing game to me. Whenever I've seen them doing this in the past and I could transfer dollars at a reasonable price, I've transferred a few extra thousand and bought them back in calle Florida, and it's always paid off. They kept the dollar artificially cheap and I took advantage of it.

Is this time different?
There were long queues in the USSR. No matter what the rate is (controlled or free market) people will have to sell or buy.
So you think the blue rate is being controlled by some evil force?