Problems receiving Magazines on Subscription?

Postmodernchild said:
Sorry, I meant to say that from the US I never had an issue with any mail. I have lived 30 Years outside of Argentina sending different types of mailings and not once, truly, anybody did not receive one thing. I do trust my mail delivery person but I would be wary when the mails falls in the hands of neighbors and others who might be enticed by my fashion magz!

I wonder if Irish Running has a following amongst my neighbours :)....
Trouble is Lee, -

a) - I'm an old fart and haven't worked my way up to an I-Pad or Kindle - I like to read properly with paper, and I love the feel of books too...

b) - Irish Runner is still old fashioned too (like me).
My magazine arrive about 75% of the time, very unpredictable. Mail gets delivered in bulk and tossed on the porter's table in the lobby. Then you have to rely on the porter to shove it under your door. Half the time it is half way through the door so someone can easily take it. Great system -- and keep in mind mail is state run. They tried privatizing it but that didn't work out so they renationalized it and raised the prices substantially. The service is worse than it was under private operation.
Well, I live in a house, rather than an apartment, so no porters table to worry about. I may just take a 6 months sub and see what happens first :)