property confiscation

webmistress said:
I am worried because a few of my expat friends in Mendoza have told me that the government here is planning to create a "retro-active" law that confiscates property which has been purchased by foreigners. They are selling their property quickly. I am unable to find any factual info about this and am concerned because immigration tells me there is little chance of me obtaining residency here, though I have lived here almost 5 years, have never left the country, have had an employee, and have paid all of the taxes required when i had a CUIT.. now a CUIL (better with no income).

Please share any info you have about this prospective law. I have already lost a lifetime´s income in fraud, extortion and theft.. any help appreciated.:eek::eek::eek:

I live in San Rafael and although I don't own property I have Power of Attorney over some and have a wonderful lawyer.

I would imagine what they are talking about it starting to go back and try to enforce back taxes which very few people pay because in the past they have not seized land just let interest add up until the person went to sell the land and then the amount had to be accounted for from someone.

About a year ago they gave a small percentage commission to revenye agents who can now sieze land for back taxes and get a little spiff...

I imagine this is what they are talking about....
