I went to parque norte this thurs. and i enjoyed myself and will go back once or twice more this summer. wasnt a very hot day thurs. i arrived at 1.15 and say the pool area was about half full. i went to the far end under the fake Israeli wall of Tierra Santa and relaxed. By 3, the place was full. So go as early as you can. i was told it its overflowing with people on the weekend, so try to go during the week.
There are quite a few bus lines that seem to stop at the university across the street or in nearby palermo.
The pools are more for splashing or wading, anyone serious about swim probably wont like it. shallow.
outside the pool area is a park. if you only want to relax in the park, take sun, use the changing rooms, restaurant, and showers, then you pay something like 8 pesos. its 18 for the park and pool. i walked over to the bosque, which is the area the summer camp groups use. i found several quiet places over there and its a short walk back into the pool area.
the airplanes land right over your head, no kidding. not a big deal, but combined with the loud rock music the place plays poolside, its not as quiet as some would like. Quieter in the park area though.
i found it cooler there than downtown and a strong breeze was blowing from the river. i might go once in a while just to relax in the park and read. if i get hot, ill just shower off outside.