Question For Retirees - Uruguay Vs Argentina


Oct 14, 2014
Couple of questions for retirees (or others they may want to comment) - has anyone lived in both places? Are there reasons for choosing one over the other (crime, economic stability, political stability, etc.)? I haven't been to Uruguay, but I plan on moving to BA for a couple of years (I am engaged to an Argentinian). I've been thinking about what it might be like to retire in BA, and what alternatives there might be that would allow my wife to have reasonably good access to her family, without being in Argentina (hence Uruguay).

What year you plan to retire ??? Here in Argentina conditions change Daily!!! At the moment cost of living is lower in BA...!! due to the exchange rate, next year Who knows ?. Advantage of Uruguay; the free exchange rate and possibility to receive dollar transfers.

Predicting the future ??? My crystal ball is steamed out.....!

For me (I speak for myself) I can´t compare, even if I try.
2 Completely different life styles.
I´d rather die here, than retire in Uruguay, ... it´s a ... s l o w w w w w w w w w w w w death there.
Even food is worse than Argei diet, ... Imagine that ? ... Picture it if you can ! ... Atrocious !

You´d love Uruguay (if you´re the type).
I'm not sure what you mean by "type", but boring and bad food doesn't sound good to me.
boring and bad food doesn't sound good to me.
There you go !
It´s a problem ... big big problem ... way too big of a problem, for me.

It's like day & night .
There are far nicer and developed places in Europe, with first world technology and free healthcare, if you can afford them.
Exactly !
My original plan was SanFrancisco, ... I was not asking for the fancy or exotic places of the rich and famous.
.... but all life time plans were scrapped in 3 weeks ......... (divorce!!!!!!!!!!).
Uruguay is very, very expensive right now to live from what I've heard from a VG friend who owns a house there (she's Argentine).
It's like day & night with Argentina.
What are you looking into for your retirement? Adventure? Cosmopolitan lifestyle? Country life style? And how well would you say you are on the money side?
I wouldn't consider Argentina if I had the money to go elsewhere. There are far nicer and developed places in Europe, with first world technology and free healthcare, if you can afford them.
You have safe places to live in Argentina too, but it depends on your way of life (countryside, city, big city, suburbs, within 60 miles from a big city?).
Uruguay is stable yet boring. Best part is that it's close to BA for the most part. Much more of a campo / small-town / beachy life style (I would imagine after having visited several places there - I've never lived there for an extended period). Why not move to BA first and try Uruguay for months at a time in the different towns, see what suits you? Winter is DEFINITELY better here in BA, i.e. less boring but if you're a beachgoer you'll appreciate Nov-March in Uruguay way more. They say the Uruguayans are much nicer but I think as an outsider you probably wouldn't see the subtle differences between Argies and Uruguayos at first.
What are you looking into for your retirement? Adventure? Cosmopolitan lifestyle? Country life style? And how well would you say you are on the money side?
I wouldn't consider Argentina if I had the money to go elsewhere. There are far nicer and developed places in Europe, with first world technology and free healthcare, if you can afford them.
Hummmmm? What do think about San Marino?