Question For Retirees - Uruguay Vs Argentina

Good for taxation, location so and so. Near the beaches, but not the best ones in Italy. The town itself is not very nice, mostly touristy shops from what I recall.
People are okay.

If you are able to claim any European citizenship by blood, go for it and settle on the Coast of France or Italy. Plenty of good food and almost free healthcare assistance. Plus you can visit Europe for cheap through low cost airlines, or if you are up to drive, just hit the road and go wherever it takes.
It is a wonderful place where to be a retired, but it is advisable to have at least USD2,500/month of income (for one person, USD 3,500 for 2) to live well.
Uruguay, especially anything that is not Montevideo, lacks of population. So for the good, is probably the safest spot in all Latin America, and for the bad, is tremendously boring, "chato" we say in spanish, translated as something like flat. Siesta, mate, tranquility, but also nice beaches, nicer people than in Agentina (in general, of course). You wont see extreme poverty in Uruguay as yo will see it in Argentina. There you have very humble houses, but not villas. Uruguay itself its a very boring place if you like cultural life or going out at night. Pus, people in Uuguay drive terrible!! Argentina is also horrible in that aspect, but a lot better than Uruguay. In Uruguay you ll easily see an entire family, with the two kids (one baby), the wife, etc, in a moto in the middle of the route and without helmets.

Uruguay is perfect if what you want is a nice beach city, like Punta del Este, but with almost no social life. Yes there are restaurants, but thats for summer, autumn and winter are horrible, 6 o clock pm and you wont find a soul in the street!

And the food (sea food, fruits and vegetables in general) is far better in Uruguay than in Argentina!
if you want to be near argentina, how about Valparaiso Chile area? cheaper than uruguay i think, great food, more going on.
What about for a 28 year old who works remotely - Spanish coast?? I have heard good things about Portugal.
if you want to be near argentina, how about Valparaiso Chile area? cheaper than uruguay i think, great food, more going on.

Yes and sunsets, beach, 2 hours from Santiago, very artsy.... Although not just a hop skip and jump to BA... more like a $150/$200USD plane ride every time.