Racist tweet by Trump re future immigration to the US


Jun 6, 2005
JAN 12 2018, 5:52 AM ET
Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as ‘shithole’ countries
Two sources briefed on the conversation say that during the portion of the conversation about Haiti — which came at the top of the exchange that led to the “shithole” comment — the president questioned why Haitians should be given specific consideration.
“Why do we need more Haitians, take them out,” he said, according to sources. Someone else in the room responded: “Because if you do, it will be obvious why.”

01/11/2018 05:56 PM EST......Updated 01/11/2018 10:29 PM EST
White House doesn't deny Trump's 'shithole' immigration remark
Re immigration one could, with smug opprobrium, quickly contrast Trump's remarks to those more welcoming words inscribed on a plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" (from the New Colossus by Emma Lazarus)

However, such a comparison should bear in mind that during the great wave of immigration at the turn of the 20th century there were no such safety nets as food stamps, SSI, free hospital emergency care, and other public welfare programs currently available to non-citizen residents. As usual, Trump was not "politic", much less "presidential" in his expression of what US policy should be BUT the fact of the matter is that once a politically correct veneer is stripped away, many people share his view. Nor do I think it is "racist" per se. Is race a factor in admitting anyone from any country including Haiti or African nations, who otherwise qualifies for admission to the US on any existing basis, e.g. special employment, skills, marriage, etc?

Trump is a pathological liar, a clinically insecure narcissistic moron, dumb and dangerous and worse...BUT even a broken clock is right twice a day. His view on unvetted Muslim immigration to the US was, in my opinion, both correct and a major reason he won the election. Likewise immigration from Haiti and African nations needs to be tempered. I don't know the exact parameters of the proposed legislation admitting residents/citizens of those "shithole" nations to which he referred, but I believe a lottery system (I understand this to be a feature of the legislation) might not be appropriate given existing realities.

My ex-girlfriend, born in the US of Mexican parents, had a view from the other side of the telescope. She opposed a policy of facile Mexican immigration to the US because it would deprive Mexico of its most ambitious and talented individuals, persons who could contribute to the growth and improvement of the Mexican people. A lottery system may not be susceptible to the same analysis, but neither is it appropriate given today's changed circumstances from the time huddled masses were welcomed to the golden door.
Haiti and African have in common that the skin of its inhabitants is black. So, of course it is racism.
I hate A and B. A and B are letters ergo I hate all letters. - Why am I not surprised that you would make that argument.
Next I will hear that refusing to admit unvetted citizens from predominantly Muslim/sharia nations is racist.

p.s. What is the lie that you accused the Macri admin of saying re inflation?

p.s. What is the lie that you accused the Macri admin of saying re inflation?

Get a shrink and ask him to medicate you.
By the way, has he ever said the true? I do not think so, he was a criminal his whole life.
Maslow's law: When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Julian63 - .....immigration from Haiti and African nations needs to be tempered. I don't know the exact parameters of the proposed legislation admitting residents/citizens of those "shithole" nations to which he referred, but I believe a lottery system (I understand this to be a feature of the legislation) might not be appropriate given existing realities.

Alternative to lottery system?
The Bracero Program, which brought millions of Mexican guest workers to the United States, ended more than four decades ago. Current debates about immigration policy-including discussions about a new guest worker program-have put the program back in the news and made it all the more important to understand this chapter of American history. Yet while top U.S. and Mexican officials re- examine the Bracero Program as a possible model, most Americans know very little about the program, the nation's largest experiment with guest workers. Indeed, until very recently, this important story has been inadequately documented and studied, even by scholars.

I grew up in San Francisco during the 60's. This program functioned reasonably well until 1964. While many 18+ year olds from working class families began enrolling in CA colleges, the migrant workers from Mexico sought out farming jobs under the program. The dismantling was mainly supported by the powerful unions which were deprived of funds derived from member dues.

Good luck to voters who helped to elect Trump. Those who denounce lack of jobs, are they willing to take over those tasks now being done by immigrants from "shithole" countries? California's farming, construction, residential/commercial cleaning services and the hospitality industries depend primarily on immigrants. As well as the nursing profession. Their labor maintains the functioning of these essential ancillary services.
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