Really hard to make friends

I've been here 6months and am always hesitant about "friending" expats because I don't want a revolving door social life, if that makes sense. If you're travelling it's totally fine, but if you live in a place it's a bummer to be constantly meeting new people then quickly saying goodbye. Would love to meet creative types that are really putting down roots here.
Hi Celene

I'll be in Plaza Dorrego on Sunday at 5 to hopefully see the milonga. See you there?
Ha!! Finding anyone (especially someone you've never seen before) at 17:00 in Plaza Dorrego on a Sunday is super unlikely! But, maybe. We've a friend arriving from London on Saturday, so we'll have to see what's going on. He might want to head up there (it's only one block from our place anyway..)
Hi Celene

I'm meeting someone else from this blog on Sunday at a cafe in Entre Rios/Estados Unidos at 3pm. Would you and your friend like to come too? Then maybe we could all head down to the milonga..
nyer4ever said:
I've been here 6months and am always hesitant about "friending" expats because I don't want a revolving door social life, if that makes sense. If you're travelling it's totally fine, but if you live in a place it's a bummer to be constantly meeting new people then quickly saying goodbye. Would love to meet creative types that are really putting down roots here.
Oh the irony.
Its hard to make friends because expats are allwise looking for meet another expats only and they are just 1 over 10 on the street.
I'm living in San Telmo, and I plan to be here until August, and I would love to meet up with some people during the weekend/weekdays.

It makes me sad to hear people say they don't want to meet people that have temporary plans. I do understand that they are looking for more permanent friends too, but what is wrong with knowing people for a shorter time?
Hey Scarlett, whats up?... if you wanna make a friend count with me. how old are you ?...