PhilinBSAS, you miss the point. Of course you are free to post whatever you want, whenever you want. However, you don't seem to understand what the free exchange of ideas means. Or maybe you do, but you just don't believe in such, or don't care to participate.
It doesn't mean tell the other guy you've heard enough of what he has to say as if you were a God-appointed censor, at least not without giving some reason. In the free exchange of ideas, that is easily enough said by walking away and ignoring speech you find to be without value, or trying to produce your own concrete arguments if you feel the misunderstanding or insanity is sufficient to cause an infection of the wrong memes to other people.
Using MERELY sarcasm to express a publicly unsubstantiated opinion contributes nothing to the free exchange of ideas.
But that's OK. Of course you have the right to not substantiate your opinion. It seems that you don't care much whether your opinions are heard and understood, or you would endeavor to explain them. Or perhaps you are so smug in your beliefs (whatever they actually are, aside from thinking that Libertarianism and Austrian economics are utterly wrong and possibly insane - I get that) that you believe your opinions will matter by the weight of that belief alone, expressed with a sufficient dose of sarcasm to somehow lend credence to expressed opinions.
Either way, you will most likely have no net affect in a situation where you apply such methods except to make yourself look like a contrarian for the sole purpose of being contrary.
Related to your opinions on Spanish: Use "bastante" all you want in the sense you used it, and you will most likely be understood, given proper context. It doesn't mean that your usage is correct, no matter your opinion.
Just because a word translates directly into English, and you would use that word in the same sense in Spanish as you would in English, doesn't mean it's being used correctly in Spanish.
For example to say you've heard enough:
"Ya he escuchado bastante" ("I've now [or already] heard enough") is correct usage of the word.
"Bastante!" is not correct and may get you laughed at as a gringo that doesn't understand Spanish idiom correctly, if you are among people who express their opinions of mistakes in such a manner. I'm sure you're not afraid to be laughed at, and I'm not suggesting you should be. Obviously I'm not or I would not be expressing such "radical" opinions in public.
However, when I receive concrete tips about improving my Spanish, I like to think that upon incorporating such tips, it makes me better understood verbally, as a person who cares enough to speak in the same language others are speaking.
Now, of course, you may argue that you meant the word "bastante" in the sense of my first example, but simply did not bother to write it all out. Fair enough. Just goes to show how being imprecise can affect the understanding of others.
In fact, it seems like you do not take to people making constructive criticisms. Perhaps this is because you lack the skills necessary to make them yourself and therefore take them wrongly.
I neither belittled you with my comment about the use of the word "bastante", nor made a sarcastic comment about your usage. I made a factual statement that you should have taken as constructive criticism, but instead you tell me I should worry about getting the little things right (well, I did) and not act like the master of the universe by handing out corrections (perhaps you have a problem with the idea that someone may know something more than you do about a particular subject?).
You seem to demonstrate that remaining in ignorance is preferable to someone pointing out something that could help you improve your Spanish skills, particularly because the comment was not meant, nor offered, in any ill manner.
And to be precise, I was not the one who corrected you, but was merely agreeing with the one who did, backing up his "opinion" with a concrete example of the word which would have embodied the correct usage, whether or not you find such information incorrect. Indeed, I could have made that guy feel bad by pointing out that "sufficiente" wasn't the best usage either instead of just offering what would have been - which was why I made the comment to begin with, not to attempt to make you feel small.
I will say, that at least for the first time, you offered an actual concrete refutation of something I said by offering research that attempted to prove your point of view. Unfortunately it was not germane to the primary conversation. Also, the wiki answers entry that you provided does not support your first apparent usage as a one word command, but rather the usage that I specified related to having enough or excess of something, used in a phrase that declares what it is you have had enough of.
In fact, as I have mentioned previously, I would welcome specific criticism from you (and anyone who doesn't agree with me and others in this thread [who don't seem to think I'm seeking public group therapy unless they are simply too nice to say so
]). It would be quite refreshing to leave behind comments that I'm drunk or high or trying to find some kind of group therapy for free. Childish insults do not make for an effective free exchange of ideas.
I still can't understand if why you think I write too much, and you feel I'm inebriated or mentally impaired in some fashion, thus feeling the need for public therapy, that you would continue to read and post here, if not to simply act the bully who enjoys displaying his rapier wit.
Do you act in this manner with all those who you feel may be in need of help?