Relocation to SaoPaulo w/kids

I really like SP and personally, didn't feel "unsafe" on any of my trips there. While it is more expensive, I didn't find it shockingly so. And at least there, I felt like I got my money's worth when going out. And oh.. how good the sushi is there! :) It's def not a "pretty" city IMO and traffic is the suck. I would expect that your husband's salary should be adjusted for COL.

One of my dear friends lives in SP. I'll ping her and see if she has any recommendations. She's in Itam area and loves it but doesn't have kids so might not be the best option for a family.
Can't imagine what would be a better area within the city with kids then Itam Bibi
You spend a real like a peso here and you need to take cabs or have a car and that makes life a lot more expensive if you go out at night.

Todays rate

1 Real = 2.01
1 Peso = 4.59
1 Blue peso = 6.00 more or less

So life is roughly 200% more expensive and 300% if you use the blue
A good friend just took a job in Soa Paolo and he and his wife researched private schools for their young children and found them to be very expensive. As is the cost of living in general in Brasil.