I bought my own used bike from mercadolibre for 200 pesos in 2009; I brought my own old U-lock from the States. I have the bike for very long term as it's mine. Of course, this means I am responsible for changing the inner tubes, inflating the tires (YPF works just fine), changing the cheap brakes when needed -- which I find are overpriced services in bike shops here, but that I do at home for free. It's quite a clunker, but all the better because I can park it without worrying to much about it being stolen. How valuable is a bike for transportation if you always have to worry about it disappearing? And believe me, they do.
If I want the convenience of a rental and don't want to worry about selling it or finding it a home, I could always leave it unlocked out on the street overnight and someone will happily take it off my hands.
To put it in perspective, the cost of my used bike is CHEAPER than cost of using the amazingly cheap public transportation system (at around 33 cents USD per ride) for 2 months, an average of 3 trips a day (1 to and from trip plus an extra leg, and with waiting time the bike is faster than the bus up to bus trips over 55 minutes or so.) Of course, you have to know your way around the city, but you can learn and carry your map with you. Biking is a good bargain for long stays. But riding here is no joda, as cars don't stop at intersections. I came as an experienced urban commuter, so I would not recommend biking in BA for someone not at all confident on a bike.
If you are bike savvy, bring to BA at least a helmet and an old U-lock, which the chorros here rarely ever break for a crap bike. If you are mechanical, bring your tire levers, a multitool for adjustments, a portable pump-if you don't plan to live in the city where gas stations are just a few blocks from anywhere or plan to take long rides out into the country.