Replacement cell phone

I went to the Claro in Alto Palermo this morning. The salesperson suggested the Samsung A04 25 GB (100,000 pesos); the plan would be 6,000 pesos/30 days and can be canceled at any time.
I hope you are able to buy an A04 with 64 gb for about $100 USD if not an AO4 with 128gb for about $120 USD.

The salespeople at Claro stores are nice (I know from personal experience), but I would not want to pay so much for such a low amount of storage.

I made the leap from 16 to 32 gb over five years ago and then to 64 gb two years ago.

I am not a gamer when using the phone, but I like to download movies and documentaries. Now I would only replace my 64gb A04 with one with 128 gb.

PS: This thread contais interesting info about the A04s sold in Argentina!
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Claro's plan for tourists is pretty straightforward you pay the $6 k pesos and they give you 25gb of data,a chip which they Install and setup for you..! you can than top up your phone after 30 days and buy data packs are not locked into a plan of any sorts...
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Just did a little more research...

If I was going to buy a Samsung phone in Argentina to use in Argentina for the next two or three years, a G5 A14 (instead of a G4 A04) with 128 gb for $122.000 would top the list.

If I only needed a phone to.use in Argentina for a number of weeks, borrowing Henry's phone would be a wonderful option.

It was SO thoughtful of Henry to make the the offer and I hope it works out.for Heather.
Thank you for all the recommendations—I really appreciate it.

I went to the Claro in Alto Palermo this morning. The salesperson suggested the Samsung A04 25 GB (100,000 pesos); the plan would be 6,000 pesos/30 days and can be canceled at any time.

Both my Spanish and tech knowledge are limited, so I'm unsure whether or not the suggestions are good ones. I also don't want to sign a contract that will lock me into a plan. I return to the U.S. in mid-February, so I only need service here until then. I communicate with all my business clients via my laptop, so I primarily need the phone for internet, email, messaging, and apps like WhatsApp, Google Maps, Google Translate, etc.

Would anyone in the group with better Spanish and more tech knowledge be available to come to a Claro with me? I can repay you with coffee and/or lunch.

I am sorry you got to experience this dark side of Argentina. There are a lot of phone thefts here unfortunately. You have to be very cautious. You can't lose sight of them for a second, and certainly you should not have them out in public places too much. The choice offered by the rep you visited seems to be O.K.