Restaurant Review Apps


Apr 26, 2012
Can anyone recommend an Argentine restaurant Review app or website. Would be great to leave feedback too. I've used Trip Advisor but it doesn't work well in the Province and isn't contributed by locals.
Thank you
great website and app -
they have reviews/info/photos/map and many of the restaurants have discounts!
It's in Spanish
Second Restorando the discounts/reservations are easy for anyone to use. You can do reviews in English as well I've seen them, just not as many.
Having explored it further I find the app is ok but there doesn't seem to be a way of searching by map. Also it's a little bit light weight on reviews outside the city centre. Any other recommendations?
It's not technically a review app, but it has reviews - PedidosYa. I order in a lot using the app and I really love it, and the reviews are usually spot-on. And pretty much all of the restaurants on there are actual restaurants that you can go sit and eat in (many of them nice ones), not just delivery places. A lot of the places I order in from I end up going to in person now.
If your dealbreaker is depth of coverage "outside the city centre," I'm afraid you're out of luck.
You can try Yelp. They arrived to BA recently so it isn't quite as complete as say Guia Oleo, but their mobile app works quite well.