Hello to "Just arrived"
We are in our mid 50's, married, and daughter grown on her own .
I am forcibly retired on an artificial ankle replacement from a career at sea as Merchant Seaman.
We too are looking for a more affordable venue with all the events happening here in the US.Indeed costs today are surpassing my meager income from disability and I continually have to dive into Savings which is a non sustainable tradgedy I have to deal with here on an ongoing basis...
This situation alone has led me research Argentina,all the more urgently.
I was originally raised in Switzerland and travelled extensively worlwide over the years. I speak some Spanish--could use some refresher training though..
We would like to possibly get with other retired persons considering the Argentina retirement route--probably all with very similar reasons incl Health Care and quality of life--
We plan to come down and visit-- first for about a month---in the US Fall (Argentina Spring) to get a lay of the land so to speak and get familiarized first with traditions,expenses and way of life and to make an educated assesment on the viability of such a change and whether it is workable financially in the long term.
By long term I speak of any Long Term care Insurance availability in Argentina should we decide to become residents as well as the necessary Health Care Insurance costs --which we understand to be more affordable in line with general population incomes.
While I have Social Security Disability income coming in I also plan to keep the US Medicare Advantage Plan in the US should any future need arise.
We also have sufficient enough assets to consider an outright cash purchase of a Condo in the Cordoba region--something like Miracielos--somewhere perhaps in the Villa Carlos Paz area away from the major city.
WE would welcome any expat participants in a similar situation for communication and understanding while we try to deliberate this necessary consideration of our lifetime survival on this planet.