According to this report (May 2018), the number of nurses per 10,000 people is 3.8 in Argentina.
Según datos oficiales del Sistema de Información Sanitario Argentino, en la actualidad son 179.175 las personas matriculadas en el campo de la Enfermería. De ese total, 19.729 (11,01 %) son licenciados.
According to this report (February 2018) the number of nurses per 10,000 people in Peru is three times higher, at 12.
Both figures are repeated in this report from the Pan American Journal of Public Health
It's just one statistic. There will no doubt be others, that may tip in one's country's favor or the other. And statistics never tell the whole story, as the know.
This thread is about whether the author should stay in Lima, or come to Buenos Aires. He or she needs information about whether or not good medical care is available in Lima. I claim that if he/she can afford to go to a private medical clinic and pay the costs, she/he will find excellent medical professionals and excellent facilities. I know this, I have experienced this. If he or she cannot do so, and has to go to a public hospital, he/she will find equally dedicated staff, but a lack of infrastructure, and inefficient administration, problems that will only worsen as the infection rates increase.