Seeking Advise From Senior Ba Expats

New National Civil and Commercial Code....Law 26.994 in effect since 1 August 2015

Titulo II - Contratos en general (arts. 957 al 1091)
Pages 175 - 197 (Contracts in general)

Capitulo 4 - Locacion (arts. 1187 al 1226)
Locacion Habitacional....Pages 212 - 218 (Residential Rentals)
[background=rgb(230, 230, 230)]GS_Dirtboy......[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] [/background][background=rgb(230, 230, 230)] "[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]If a contract is not executed in Argentina it is not valid anyway."[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]That is interesting. Could you please cite the source? Does it apply to contracts in general or only to specific types of contracts?[/background]
[background=rgb(230, 230, 230)]GS_Dirtboy......[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] [/background][background=rgb(230, 230, 230)] "[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]If a contract is not executed in Argentina it is not valid anyway."[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]That is interesting. Could you please cite the source? Does it apply to contracts in general or only to specific types of contracts?[/background]

Logical enough, where 'valid' means 'enforceable in Argentina'.
And since we're talking about a rental contract here, that's the only kind of enforceability that matters.
Sorry, guys, but I have to jump in and offer my perspective, which unfortunately, will not be popular.

Ceviche: as I understand it, the owner is basically agreeing on a handshake for you to continue to rent his apartment. If I were him, and you don't accept my incredible offer, I would wonder what's wrong with you. If there's no trust, there's no document that can guarantee trust.

Make his life simple and yours too. Just accept the amazing, hassle free offer, and move on!
Sorry, guys, but I have to jump in and offer my perspective, which unfortunately, will not be popular.

Ceviche: as I understand it, the owner is basically agreeing on a handshake for you to continue to rent his apartment. If I were him, and you don't accept my incredible offer, I would wonder what's wrong with you. If there's no trust, there's no document that can guarantee trust.

Make his life simple and yours too. Just accept the amazing, hassle free offer, and move on!
Yep, I think you are right. There is no risk at all here for the tenant. The only situation he could face is that if the owner sells, he will have to go since there is not contract. Other than that Ceviche, if you don't take it, let me know just so I can get rid of my rental and I can move in there :D
My only problem with his suggestion was -because I am frequent traveler and if things get ugly, I am not in the position to become a house squatter.

On other hand, like someone suggested why stay in a apartment where the owner does not want you! Agreed

Henceforth, thats where I feel the lease is know exactly whats your situation ( regarding yr rental) in next 2 years without any scope of doubt!

Lastly, I was all in favor of paying the real estate agent 2nd time over..but I am not at all in favor for paying on behalf of my landlord as well and henceforth my dilemma!
I don't see the dilemma. You don't agree to the owner's terms, so leave!
I don't see the dilemma. You don't agree to the owner's terms, so leave!

I am not sure whats your problem, dude. But you sound pretty upset about something about which - I have no idea?

Are you some landlord who is hurting deeply cos tenant f&^ked yr happiness? If you had a gun and a chance to use it..maybe you want to shoot me and all tenants dead? But unfortunately you can not! I guess I will have to cope up with your aggresion here - which I will as I got a excellent response to my post.
Only contracts in Spanish are enforceable in Argentina. Since you say the landlord doesn't read Spanish I doubt you'll get him to sign one. I would just keep dancing with the date you brought to the ball.