Seeking advise on a "touchy topic"


Mar 23, 2011
I had a employee ( a overseas student) whom I had hired for part time work at my apartment to assist. Payment was per day basis as and when I needed. The employee was not Argentine and neither am I.

I found the employee stealing from me 2-3 times but i ignored because the amount was small and the work performed was good.

I did inform the employee my predicament and that I know what was stolen.

But the 3rd time, when i caught the employee red -handed - The employee started shouting at top of the voice as if I made a crime by catching the theft. I admit, I also shouted back.

The employee rushed out banging my apartment door very hard and abusing me.

Then after 5 minutes returned ringing my bell for the money owed about 500 pesos. I live in a very high security building, so had to leave for now. Also the fired employee has some of my " not so important" papers to bring back in exchange of the cash owed.

what should be my action? Should I make the employee wait for 6-7 days before I pay up or should I pay up asap.

I don't intend to stop the money. Its pittance for taking any sort of animosity in the city.

But is there any way to make the employee at least regret for the actions?

Of course, was in desperate need of the job and completely broke and did not have work permit! So will not get another work so easily..that is one regret.

ANd was I wrong in reprimanding the employee after catching the theft 2-3 times and blowing up the 3rd time?

I mean, how patient can I be!!

Looking for answers from perspective of other employers in the city especially those who hire part time help.

And also perspective of the would be employees? Is it fair to steal at your employers and then shout at top of your voice when caught red handed!
is this real life?
i don't understand...
why would you pay this person anything now? and why would you let them continue to work for you after you knew they were stealing?
Stolen money was small...20-50 pesos x 3 times etc

owed money in pending part time work salary is 500 pesos.

i did not fire cos work performed was excellent. Some times in life, you value the person for the work but then the person starts taking you for granted and makes the same mistake again and again and again, thinking you are completely ignorant.
The OP seems to be a foolish man and he will be abused and used like a ragdoll in Buenos Aires if he continues to believe in the good of people . This city is not for the fainthearted and less so for business owners who have to run the gamut of libelous employees and a very oportunistic culture .
Jeez mate!
I don't know why you even have to ask.
The amount of money is irrelevant. First time, last time as far as I'm concerned.
Don't give him another cent and if he comes back, teach him a lesson he won't forget.
Get real................
I ask because by nature I am a nice guy. The employee is completely broke and is just hanging on by a very thin "thread" in this expensive city. So feel sorry for the employee despite being abused.

Like @ Raymond says " a foolish man"!

But want to teach a small life lesson as well.

My worry is , that instead of me going to police ( I dont intend to)...can the employee go to police and make a complaint against me for not paying salary?

Mind you, this was part time work and nothing in white. All negotiation in talks and payment by cash once in 10-15 days.
Ceviche said:
I ask because by nature I am a nice guy.

Like @ Raymond says " a foolish man"!

My worry is , that instead of me going to police ( I dont intend to)...can the employee go to police and make a complaint against me for not paying salary?

Mind you, this was part time work and nothing in white. All negotiation in talks and payment by cash once in 10-15 days.

If you have so much fear why you employing people ? If you trasmit fear and no confidence also it is a losing situation
Raymond said:
If you have so much fear why you employing people ? If you trasmit fear and no confidence also it is a losing situation

"Fear" is a wrong word.

And If I had "fear", i would have paid immediately when the employee returned after 5 minutes. But I called the guards ( we have 4 at any time in the building) and told them to escort the employee out.

Lets say, my predicament to keep clear of any vigilance, to not to have my name on any records in the city on any issue.
As a business owner I understand "touchy subjects" earlyretirement and citygirl we all have horrible tales to tell of employees out to scam the employer...we had an employee come to work for her first day and then not again, disappear and only be contactable something like 2 days later to say she was coming back and had only disappeared as her mother was ill. My dilemma: take back a clearly unstable unscrupulous person or fire her and pay circa 2000 pesos for the pleasure of 1 day's "work"....we fired her of course and we had to pay by law as we work in blanco BUT we made her wait 2 months for the cheque, send a few CDs...waste her time (sadly not her money as CDs are free for the employee) but we made her wait....

Your case is so different. I would never have let him back in the job even if I caught him only stealing a packet of biscuits and wouldn't pay a penny. The bonus you will get from this is the lesson to not value the "what" ie the excellent output of the person but the "how" ie the ethics, values and character that goes with the person producing the work...without that no employee will be a good team worker or success in the long term for you. End of sermon..sorry for preaching ...hope it works out for you!